
Is my friend really pregnant, or lieing for attention?

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I have a friend who SAYS she is pregnant. She is about a month behind me, and i am at 5 months. She is not growing at all (rounding belly or gaining weight) . Her b***s are the same. She claims nausea, but anyone can SAY that. She has no ultrasound pictures and keeps changing her due date. Oh and she cant seem to remember her doctors name. But at 4 months, wouldn't you think she would have come out by now if she was lieing or had maybe lost the child earlier on? Another thing is she HAS had a miscarriage about 4 years ago. My theory is that maybe she has lost the child and didnt want to tell anyone in hopes she could ease that pain by getting pregnant really quickly. Please let me know anything, and what i should do.




  1. well she may be lying but not mother's friend had misscarried and after that everytime someone else got pregnant she was pregnant, wearing maternity clothes and purchasing baby clothes.  Yet Never gaining weight.  Then the pregnancy would just disappear no word of anything.  This went on untill she finally got pregant.  Her husband confided in my parents that she was so desperate to get pregnant that when anyone around her got pregnant she just knew she had to be too.

  2. I didn't start showing with my first pregnancy till I was 6 months pregnant. I would think she would know her doctor name and the doctor wouldn't keep changing due dates everytime either. She wouldn't be getting ultrasound till 20 weeks along in pregnancy unless a medical reason. She could be saying it just to get attention. Wait another or two months. If she not showing then she is lieing.

  3. It doesn't really matter, either be her friend or don't. I didn't show with my first until about 6 months and didn't gain weight until around the 5th. Nor, after my first pregnancy did my breast get bigger, sore but, not bigger. As for the doctor thing, I go to an OB office that requires you to see as many of the doctors (there's atleast 12-15) as you can. It's not that unusual, not nearly as seeing the same doctor throughout your pregnancy. I think your assuming that your pregnancies should be similiar, when that's the first lesson, no one's are the same, not even your own (first and second).

  4. You cant really judge by the belly unfortunately.  I'm just under 5 months and am just starting to show  ( I saw someone I hadnt seen since mid June, and she had no idea that I was pregnant).  As far as changing her dates, thats funny cause most pregnant moms know when they're babies are due and count down to the day! lol  But maybe her dr keeps changing it, or she just calculated it wrong.

    And I hope that she didnt miscarry and is trying again so soon.  A friend of mine miscarried in February and got pregnant again in April and lost it again (she actually ended up having a blighted ovum).

    I suggest for now just go along with it.  Wouldnt you feel awful if you accused her of something like this only to find out she is in fact pregnant? If it bugs you that much start asking questions in relation to things you went through.  Like ask her what the baby's heart rate it at?  When did she first hear it?  Can she feel it moving yet?  What does it feel like for her?  THat way you're still interested and supportive, but in a way, kinda doing some investigative work.

  5. It doesn't matter if she's lying. All you need to do is be there for her. It'd make no difference to your life even if she was lying, so back off a bit.

    She might still be feeling bad about her previous miscarriage, it's really insensitive of you to get so mad about it. She's probably really confused

  6. Maybe instead of "is she" the question should be "if she is - why?"

    All pregnancies are different but time will tell if she is telling the truth.  The inportant thing here is that you referred to her as a friend.  therefore maybe you shoudl think about her life and if she is faking the reasoning behind it.  Maybe she enjoys the attention that you are getting or just wants some attention of her own - why do you think she wants or needs it?

    ASK ASK ASK - this may be a cry for help and if you hear it - you should answer it.

  7. Just be there to support her, she might be pregnant and not gaining weight. I have gained nothing and then in the last 4 weeks gained a stone and I'm 28 weeks.

    If she has lost the child it may be a way of her coping. Be supportive and if tell her you are there if she ev er needs to talk.

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