
Is my friend selling iPod Touches illegally?

by Guest44993  |  earlier

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Hello, have a friend who attends Middle School but he is selling iPod Touches really really cheap because he gets them off of whole sale price directly from China and is making a whole bunch of deals with people and I don't think that's legal, if it is illegal who should I tell, the FBI, Apple?




  1. While, providing it is a genuine product from a genuine wholesaler, your friend isn't breaking the law, the wholesaler might be... depends what contract, if any, they've signed with Apple; and only Apple and the wholesaler would know that. Apple usually has pretty strict controls about who can sell their products, in what location and at what price, so something seems a little odd.

    I wouldn't worry about it though, it's not your problem; no need to go out of your way to make trouble for good people.

  2. its not illegally and if it was why would u snitch on your friend??? thats pathetic

  3. 1.NO one likes a snitch

    2.You are also being a awful Friend

    3.Keep acting like this and in high school you will be an outcast

    4.Do not get in people busniess and snitch unless someones life is really really really endanger (complete danger not just a fight)

    5.Snitch and you will have an extremly hard time making new friends because everyone will say "hey that thats that one punk who snitched"

  4. Contact LOCAL police.

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