
Is my friend too pretty for her boyfriend??

by  |  earlier

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I've been trying to tell her she's too good for him but she won't listen and he's really messed up to her




  1. Its up to her, leave them alone

  2. they look good together

  3. They look cute together, and he IS CUTE.

  4. omg ;

    they are so cute toghetther.


    shes so pretty !  

  5. She is pretty! They do look good together though he should do something top that horrible hair lol

    HELP me please!!!;...

  6. uh yea he looks like a doofus. look at his hair. ew.

  7. If she likes him, she likes him

    If he doesnt treat her bad, fine

  8. she is pretty but she likes him that's all that matters

  9. I actually think both of them are ugly. He's not good looking, but she is not eaither, she looks asian.

  10. I think they look good together :) they compliment each other. I think the term "Way too good for him" refers more towards personality clashes as opposed to looks. They look happy together..i unno. IF by messed up to mean he does bad things to her (cheating,abusing) then yeahh...she should totally dump have to prove it to her of course but it has nothng to do with looks.  

  11. That may be the case, but you do have to admit, that picture is SOOO cute, andrhwy do look happy.  

  12. i think she's prettier, but that doesn't matter at all! and they seem so happy together so, what's your problem?

  13. I saw girly's answer and was laughing so hard!! Hahahaaa.

    But it is about personality I guess, if you can't stand hanging out with them, call it a loss on your friendship and go find some other friends. Hahahahahahaaaa!

  14. um what the h**l?!

    sorry but regardless of what they both look like, even if she looked like a supermodel and he looked like a redneck, it wouldn't mean that she was to good for him!

    it isn't always about looks

    maybe she likes him for his personality

    they look fine together though

    so try focusing on your own love life other than trying to break up your friends relationship.

  15. There are both equal but does it mater ??????

    it should be about his personality

    just leave them alone they look happy stop telling her who she should be with or not


  16. WOAHH! he has an uber lip :D

    she's pretty, but they kind of match each other- sorta...

    and i think the best you can do is to just keep out of her business-

    i know your only trying to be a good friend :

    + she might think your  questioning her taste in guys :(

  17. they're both good looking. but honestly it's not looks that matter it's personality.  

  18. They Both look ugly to me.

    perfect match!

  19. If they actually love each other I don't think there's really a need for asking this kind of question.

  20. If she like him, she like him and if your a good enough friend then you will  stand by her choice of who she likes.  

  21. You must mean skateboarding.  

  22. he just has bad hair if you ask me , other wise they are pretty equal

  23. well he is pretty goofy lookin but looks shouldn't matter as long as he treats her right.

    it has been studied that actually the relationships that are most likely to last longterm is when the female is more attractive than the male. why? because if the male thinks he is better looking and has pull then he is more likely to cheat. but if he thinks his woman is better looking, he will be grateful for her and wont feel the need to look elsewhere, giving time for emotional bonds to strengthen.

  24. you are shallow by the way how is this any of your business.if she wasnt happy with him she would leave him wouldnt she? you need to grow up and just because you are jealous she has a boyfriend and is happy gives you no right to try to break them up.....get your own life

  25. not too pretty , but ya she s superior to him..........its her choice if they bith like eachother no prob dear!

  26. yeah he's pretty hideous.

    she's gorgeous, on the other hand. she has pretty teeth (unlike him).

    tell her to move the fuhk ON.

  27. Yes she is pretty but No she is not too good for him. its about personality and to be honest she is not THAT pretty and hes not even that bad looking.. give him a chance...


  28. No, people do not look to good for anyone. Your shallow since you think that good looking people should only be with other good looking people. She is too good for you.

  29. shes soo so pretty (not a mom im 16) i think she is to pretty but if their happy together and shes really into him then i would not mess it up. but they are kinda cute together they match....

  30. no offense but they both look kind of mentally challenged.. and I mean that in the nicest way possible..

  31. Um..if she's happy with him then leave her alone.

    Maybe the question should be: Am i jealous of my friend and her boyfriend?

    Answer: Looks like it.

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