
Is my friend winding me up? She phones at 9am and texts at 2am. Just wanting to know how I am!!!?

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Is my friend winding me up? She phones at 9am and texts at 2am. Just wanting to know how I am!!!?




  1. If shes just asking how you are, tell her to pee off 'cos she doing your nut in. Also turn off your phone when you go to bed and don't turn it back on until your happy to receive calls. You can't really complain if your phone is on that is what phones are for after all.

  2. She wants you !!

  3. Tell her isn't it obvious that you're sleeping at 2am?! Oh! maybe not, looks like she doesn't sleep.

    I used to have a friend who does the opposite, she texts people of what she's doing. Like, suddenly, you'd get a text from her saying she eating ice cream. Really weird. I just thought she was bored. Didn't replied to any of her stupid messages. After a while, she just stopped texting nonsense.

  4. mayb shes bord

  5. lol Give her a puzzle so she is won't get bored and text/call you as much.

  6. she might be bored or lonly or likes you. tell her you dont like it when she does that. tell her "if you have a something to say call if not then please stop"

  7. Tell her to lay off the uppers and if she does it again you'll snap her arms. Works for me.

  8. I don't know ask her

  9. maybe shes into you

  10. How dare you i text at 9am and phone at 2am.

  11. Just say to her that you need to get some sleep. Or even just put your phone on silent and reply to her txts in the morning!

  12. My friend's like that. She also texts me at around 4 a.m. blabbering about nothing.

    It gets pretty annoying, 'specially when it's a school night |:

  13. Mobile phones have an "off" button for use in just such an emergency.

  14. Put your phone on silent. maybe she has a delay on her network i often get this and my texts don't get delivered for hors after i've sent them. have you asked her?

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