
Is my friend wrong to do this?

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KATIE...Lol..thats what I said! The woman is a horrible woman...tattos everywhere and teeth missing...she'll eat my friend alive....and I feel that she should complain to the board of governeras but she wont do it...




  1. Talk to the principal which she probably already has done.  Tell her its still going on and something has to be done about it. She may have to switch classes or basically have someone watch over them at all times to see if this other mean girl is doing things when no one else sees.  I wouldn't mess with the mom. Parents like this think their kid has done no wrong.  Or they say other kids are wimps and they need to stand up for themselves. I would bring it to the attention of the principal and let her know if nothing happens with this situation, you will have to take it to the school district or superintendent. Something higher up. Maybe then she will do something.

  2. There is no harm in talking to the mother but not aggressively as it will lead to trouble. Its silly to threaten the mother it would just make things worse. Try the gentle approach and if that doesnt work see the head teacher.

  3. Being bullied is serious.  I would demand a meeting with the principal and demand something be done.  If not I would even consider taking some kind of legal action.  Kids handle being bullied in different way and some can be affected for life.

  4. well the mother has to do what she has to do and the bully people are just low lives if all they have to do is pick on young children.

  5. I only moved to UK in September due to work demands but my oldest child has been bullied at his school and the headteacher, sympathetic as she is, has been making excuses to me. So as a family we are in shock that this is so widespread i this country. I've talked to other moms who's idea seems to be 'it's not so bad, he should just put up with it'. Now,of course I don't agree with this or the 'softly softly approach' from the school. So I've informed the headteacher that I will be reporting the matter to higher education authority& anybody else who'll listen. I have also said that if it don't stop within a certain time, I shall hire someone to guard my son while on school grounds. Now, I know that this will not be practical but when I said it to the headteacher she immediately sat up and promised to act toughly on the offending child before I take such an extreme measure. Ha! I laughed silently because I'd no intention of actually hiring someone but you know what, desparate situations call for desperate measures. This bully was excluded from school for a week and the parents hauled before the board of governors as it's not the first time. This may be something your friend might want to adapt? Confronting the parents won't work as likely the mom alredy knows that her daughter is a little demon.

    But more needs to be done countrywide about bullying in schools; its just not acceptable at all. Hope this helps.

  6. It seems to be mentally check up him.

  7. Definitely asking for trouble and more!  So you describe the mother as being rough but it sounds as though your friend is too!

  8. Your friend shouldn't start acting like the children and having fights with other mums, though i know its frustrating when the school won't do anything! She needs to kick up an almighty fuss at the school and embarrass the teachers into actually doing something to help!

  9. Is she mad?!

    Not very grown up and not a very good example to set either.......

  10. sounds like the teacher is afraid of confrontation whats she there for they go on and on about not tolerating bullies and do nothing when you complain instead of threatening the mother who doesnt sound like she would give a d**n anyway threaten the school tell them she will go over their heads and that she will go to local radio if they still do nothing she might just have to do that. no child should have to put up with this because of cowardly teachers good luck with this.

  11. If the school won't do anything go to the school board. The school has to protect the kids *even if its from each other*. The school board will do something. I wouldn't encourage any treating between the parents, even though its between the kids, the other mom can still call the police and your friend could go to jail for treating her life or the well far of her child. If it is physical between the kids then I would suggests your friend but her daughter in karate classes over the summer. That way if the bully bothers her she can defend her self, and if the school tries to get your friends daughter in trouble, all she has to do is mentions the countless times she was in there trying to handle it correctly and nothing was done.

  12. I would try talking to the girl's mother in a calm, non threatening manner - maybe invite her round for a cup of tea. This will give your friend a chance to see this other woman away from her family - she may not be as bad as first thought!!She couldask the woman to speak to her daughter about the bullying and ask her to stop. If things get no better, then inform the other mother that she will take things further.

    She could also try explaining to the teachers that if nothing is done about this, then she will go to the education authority and let them know what is going on. This may be a much better solution than trying to act tough with he other girl's mother, who may well turn on her and she may get more than she bargained for!! The daughter may also "turn up the heat", increasing the severity of her bullying, and possibly putting your friend's daughter in hospital, which I'm sure she wouldn't want. Your friend may also end up in court if she hits the other mother, on charges of assault, which is another thing she will not want to happen.

    She should try and work this out as amicably as possible for her and her daughter's sakes. If nothing happens, then she may need to think of moving her daughter to another school.

  13. you get rough families where ever you go, but tell your friend not to threaten the mother anything can like you said there a rough family so the mother is likely to get heavies on to her nasty phone calls, even put her windows through, as for the bullying i would either keep your daughter off school until this is sorted , move her to another school or camp out by the head teachers office and dont budge until you are heard fairly and that something is fairly done, but if you threaten the mother you are stooping down to the rough / chav level that they belong in dont lower your standards

  14. My BIL's son is EXACTLY the same way to my sons. He is sneaky and thinks he is so clever when he hits my boys, then runs to his father so he can witness my boys hitting back.

    My solution? I kept my phone with me constantly and took pics AND a video of what this kid was doing. Then my husband showed his brother. Problem solved!!

  15. I was bullied in middle school by a nasty lot/family unit similar to this family and in the end due to no help from the headmaster I was forcibly removed from school early by my parents.

    The worst thing the young girl could do is retaliate to the other girl, I was taught that, ignorance is the best policy and your friends stepdaughter will be the more mature out of the two.  Your friend should NOT approach the other mother in any way, this could turn into a serious situation, we had to have CCTV installed on the front of our house as this family (gypsy types) started to cause trouble outside of school and approached my mother when she was 6 month pregnant to hit her.  Your friend needs to record each incident in case this ever needs to go to the police, she also needs to state her concerns in writing to the school advising them that is nothing is done then she will forward the complaint to her local MP and involve other parties if necessary.

    I hope this helps, I felt I had to explain all this as I was once the little girl being bullied...

  16. she should talk 2 the mother and ask her if she knows whats been going on, because maybe the other girl has been telling her mother a totally different story (like its the other way round) so its best she talks to her and tells her the full story, coz im sure that she isnt proud that her child is a bully

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