
Is my frog sick?

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I have a 3 year old striped marsh frog and he was fine yesterday but today he is quite stiff and is not very active (though he is alive). I feed him every1-2 days on live meal worms and crickets that i dip in a calcium powder and he always has access to water (chemical free) and i also spray his tank with water as well. Is he sick? I am very worried and is there anything i can do about it or will he probally die? It is our winter here so is he slightly dormant?

Please help,

Audrey xx




  1. You say he's 3 years old so I can only assume you know this because you've kept him at least one year prior. If he hasn't gone "dormant" in this fashion in the past, it seems peculiar he'd just start doing it.

    It sounds like you're feeding him properly and keeping his enclosure moist, so the only thing I can think of is perhaps a heat source. Does he have a heat lamp?

    Again, assuming you've had him for a while, if he's done fine this whole time, then something may have changed to make him ill. Did you change the location of the cage? Have you been misting more/less? Is it possible someone else could have introduced something unhealthy into his environment (maybe someone else you share the house with spraying Windex or something else accidentally into his cage while cleaning)? Finally, perhaps he's just old. I'm not really sure how long that particular breed of frog lives for, but many breeds live from 5-15 years. Unless you raised him from a tadpole, are you sure he isn't maybe a little older than you think?

  2. If your spray bottle has chemicals in it could possibly die for it.
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