
Is my gecko old enough?

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How old / big enough does my female leopard gecko have to be before I can--- Use sand substrate/ Implement Calcium once a week instead of twice a week for juvinilles and feed every second day instead of every day for juvinilles.





    Do not use calci or any other kind of sand.  It causes intestinal impactions.  People will tell you they've used it for years without a problem...I've heard this time and time again and this is true UNTIL they become impacted!  Its not worth the risk.  Sand is not natural to them!  They live in rocks in the wild.  

    Juveniles eat all they want every day and adults 3-4 times a week.  Feed in evenings which in natural.

  2. There is really no age that sand is actually safe... It is always an impaction risk no matter how digestible those bags say it is.  It's also not natural to them... try something like slate tile if you want to go with something more natural and nicer-looking.

    Also, I think after they hit about 6", you should be fine leaving pure calcium in the tank all the time and dusting the food once a week.  You want the bulk of their growing to be done.  They need all the calcium they can get as they grow, so you really don't want to stop it too early.

  3. wait until it is mid way in its growth towards adulthood and u may feed it every day just cut back on the amount

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