Things is that I have a huge crush on my neighbor and our relationship is more like a "Hey Aon, check out this funny ring tone" or "wanna hear a joke? Did you see that movie" Nothing personal i guess... He's funny, kind, random, smart and hot a little popular guy i guess. I'm kinda like him and a little popular. Point is that I've been having many dreams about us just hanging but more like soft and secret cuddle *^^*... In my dreams, i act normal, like trying not to look at him too much and all, but he's always trying to get close and like just hold hands and all. I know that i kinda I love him... but the question "What if..." Kills me... In real life he was kinda staring at me and when i noticed I looked at him too, so we kinda stared at each other for a moment but it might have been me having wishful thoughts and nothing more. We're almost never alone when together and we never talk a bout personal things... i just wanna know if there is a chance or am I wasting my time???