
Is my goldfish ill,sad,or pregnant, Please help?

by  |  earlier

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my goldfish is on the bottom of the tank touching the rocks. I don't know if it is a boy or girl. It only goes up to eat and i only feed it flakes 2 times a day at 12:00 in morning and at 6:00 pm. And i have a filter going the adds air and cleans. And i recently cleaned it and i cleaned the rocks and use a siphoning tool and i have a fish with a red top and a white body i don't know what kind of fish it is. But they hang out at the bottom together. They follow each other around. And I'm worried about them they were my grandfather's fish he had them for 4 months before he died.




  1. Well, goldfish, as a rule, don't generally sit on the bottom of the tank if they are well.  Tomorrow, take a water sample to your nearest pet shop and ask them to test the water for you.  Then, you will know if you have a water problem.  That's the first step.  If the water is fine, then ask them for suggestions.  I have a feeling your ammonia might be high, or your Ph low, because they are sitting on the bottom.  Also, since you have goldfish, I would cut back to feeding just once a day.  (They produce a lot of ammonia).  Good luck.

  2. You really shouldn't change all of the water at once, is that what you did?

    Unfortunately he is probably sick.

  3. ummm it's a goldfish...get over it.

  4. It's a goldfish.  They have 3 second memories.  They don't have emotions.

    Maybe it's tired.

  5. When it goes to the top, do you noticing it struggling at all to swim upward? If so, it's probably swim bladder infection. Medicine is available at your local pet store.

    If not, it could be something else.

  6. this sounds like ammonia/nitrate poisoning to me. is your tank cycled? You're not supposed to clean gravel, it holds beneficial bacteria. You also should NEVER change more than 20-30% of the water at once because the tank will then have to cycle all over again and that will stress the fish and possibly kill them. Your goldfish is not pregnant because they lay eggs. Your water is also probably too warm, they are cold water pond fish. Your tank is also probably too small.,%20A...

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