
Is my grandad nuts..he is convinced that one of the guys in his old peoples home is.?

by  |  earlier

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adolf hitler ,should i believe him and call the goverment or do you think that this mass murderer really did die in germany and that goverments havent been feeding us lies for years.what do you think.




  1. Trust your grand father. That guy is Adolf Hitler. Inform the UN.

  2. give the old man a gun and let him lose on old adolf !

  3. Ha ha ha.!!!

    Call the police.!!!


  4. Adolf Hitler killed himself before the war ended in 1945  

  5. why is this in the jokes and riddles section?

  6. get him checked out just in case.. maybe embarrasing If he turns out to be someone else though =\ but yeh go for it

  7. whyis this in the jokes and riddles section ?that joke sucked 2/15

  8. Take him to the psychiatrist.

  9. hahahaha hitler aint dead ...*suspicious eyes*

  10. LoL That joke sucked, 3/10

  11. Let your grandad have his delusion - if it makes him feel important that he is keeping an eye on a 100 year plus person so that they don't get up to any more mischief let him get on with it!

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