
Is my grandmas house haunted?

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When people go and stay the night at my grandmas house creepy things happen. One night I woke up and there was a girl in dark clothes and make up at the end of my bed staring at me...i hid under the covers and when i came back she was gone. Then another night i was talking to my cousins in our room and a lady with a white night gown walked by the door...we thought it was my grandma but when we went in there she wasnt there. Theres one other incident that my cousins have told me and I havnt experienced. They said that one night they started hearing voices in the closet. One was of a baby crying. One of a angry person. One of a person pleading for help. Im scared to go to my grandmas house now.




  1. Same thing happened to my husband when he was a child.  About once a week he would wake up and see an old man standing at the foot of his bed.  He would get under the covers and hope he would go away.  He said he often thought during the day that maybe he had dreamed it, so the next time it would happen he would pinch himself and make sure he was actually seeing the man.

    Years later he finally got the nerve to mention it to his mom.  His mom understood, saying, "I know exactly who you're talking about.  He used to appear in the kitchen when the house was quiet."  

    I wouldn't be afraid of your grandma's house.  Just be aware of it.  They say you can stand in a room and tell "them" to go on, that they cannot stay in the house.  You might try that.  Supposedly, they don't know they're dead and they need to be told.

    Interesting, anyway!

  2. listen i am an Indian and i say if you see girl in dark cloths can be a bad spirit but it could also be your dream and the sound could come from the neihboar house so dont be afraid

  3. I would say that either you're making it up or that it realy is haunted and tell you're grandma TO GET THE HECK OUT!

  4. Since theres no actual logical answer, hauntings or ghosts cannot be proved. Some people say they are real but others are convinced they are.

    To this day we have no actual scientific fact that ghosts are at all real, but yet we have equipment to monitor certain abnormal things that you might have seen or experienced.

    Its all up to how you see it, the more you think about it though. The more likely eventually your sub-concious will begin to imitate these events.

    No real justified answer for your question. It may just be your mind playing tricks on you, but if it has happend to you and your friends a few times. Try and do some research, no-one can prove or disprove ghosts exist.

  5. Well. I Would Think It Is @_@

  6. why are you even asking! unless you are like....crazy in your head and seeing weird things then yeah, its haunted.

  7. It might be your imagination or can't be haunted.......

  8. have you been watching too much horror movies?

    i suggest for you to start watching more pleasent movies for little boys your age and quit watching PG and PG-13 movies, there too intense for you

  9. you hid under your covers? I would either die right there or fight that b*tch. I had my shares of unexplained experiences but I just blame my possible schizo. I'm 21.... :(

  10. ya

  11. obviously

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