
Is my guinea pig sick? These past few days my guinea pig has been acting really strange. She

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These past few days my guinea pig has been acting really strange. She hasn't been eating much, or drinking much water. Also her eyes have been very watery and crusty. But I haven't noticed her sneezing much. And when i feed her veggies, she usually runs up to them and eats them right away, but now she doesn't eat them at all... And...we don't really have a vet around where I live that specializes in exotic animals, so I don't know where to take her. Does anyone know what i can do?




  1. You can take her to an ordinary vet they SHOULD take her  

  2. yeah i think shees probably getting old

  3. Is there no exotics vet that you could possibly drive to? Even if the drive is two hours, your guinea pig needs an exotics vet. If you absolutely cannot get to an exotics vet, print out some pages from and take it to a regular cat and dog vet, they're usually happy to try and learn about guinea pigs with you. When guinea pigs don't eat or drink, it means their condition is almost always fatal and they need vet care immediately.  

  4. be carefull she/he might die soon            and shes getting old and she is very sick

  5. Take her to your regular vet and make sure the antibiotic is one that's guinea pig safe, such as Baytril or Bactrim.  Metacam can be used in conjunction.  You can refer to the medical guide on for more information.

  6. Take her to the vet as quick as possibel  

  7. Well, she's probably getting old. I wouldn't worry to much if I were you. =)

  8. Your girl isn't ancient. Many piggies live to age 8 or 9. Your piggie has classic symptoms of a respiratory infection. She needs to be on antibiotics ASAP or it will turn into pneumonia, if it hasn't already. If you can't find an exotics vet, go to a regular vet, which is better than nothing. She needs a prescription for Bactrim.

    While you're waiting to see the vet (hope it will be by the morning) you'll need to start handfeeding her if she isn't eating or drinking. This is very serious. See the link for handfeeding instructions. You MUST get food & water into her and keep it going or her digestive tract will go into stasis and her internal organs will begin shutting down.

    You can crush up her pellets & add a little water to make a mush to feed her. Use a syringe, straw, spoon, child's medicine dropper, etc. to get it into her--whatever you have that will work. Alternate the mushed pellets and water. You need to do this every few hours until you get her into the vet and get her on the antibiotics. Ask the vet for some Critical Care feeding supplement for herbivores. This is better for your pig. Once she starts getting well, her appetite should return.

    I hope she's okay.

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