
Is my guinea pig unhappy?

by  |  earlier

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my awesome guinea pig doesn't seem to be itself with the hot summer we're having at the minute, its 2 years old and this is the first hot weather that its actually had to deal with. but shes not sleeping in her straw like she usually does, just wondering if there was any ways to cool her down or is she just going to have to put up with it?




  1. a good way to cool her down is to freeze a bottle of water and put it in the cage with her this will help her to cool down, if she is warm then she wwont want to sleep in her straw as this will be making her even hotter, if you look on the internet for something called a chinchilla cool slate these are fantastic as you put them in the frisge they stay cool for hours after placing them back in your guinea pigs cage which will deffo help her keep cool over the summer months.

  2. Your guinea pig is probably slightly overheating. When it gets really hot out, I put my g.p. in the basement, because we have a dehumidifier, so the basement is dry and cool. If it is humid by you, I would suggest putting her in a cool dry spot with a dehumidifier, because g.p. are not supposed to be in air too humid.

  3. Make sure her cadge is in the shade and she has enough water, add some ice cubes to a bowl of water to make it colder. Fill a soda bottle with water, freeze it, put it in a pan type thing so the water doesn’t leek to the rest of her cage and then put the frozen bottle in her cage. It will cool her cage down, and she can even lean against it if she feels like it. I do this with my mice I have 4

  4. Try putting the Guinea Pig in a basement or somewhere cool.

    Hope I Helped!!


  5. get her a friend and she'll be much happier

  6. Make sure her hutch is in the shade constantly and she has enough water, maybe add some ice cubes to a bowl of water to make it extra cold.  Not a lot else you can do, she will be fine don't worry x*x

  7. dont give your guinea pig ice cubed water! Guinea pigs are delicate creatures. Give her some cold chilled water. Leave her in the room of a cool place with the air conditioner on. Dont give her a cold bath cuz she might get sickk!! I have a guinea pig too.   But a good idea is to give her bath in your sink. Use baby shampoo and room temperature water.

    I leave my guinea pig in a small air conditioned room. He comes outside and takes a nap behind a curtain or under the table. He loves it!


  8. i think it

    is unwell ........

  9. Try filling a 2 liter soda bottle with water, freezing it, and then put the frozen bottle in her cage. If her cage is not that big, use a smaller bottle size. It will cool her cage area, and she can even lean against it if she feels like it. We used to do this when we raised rabbits.

  10. Is she inside

    Give it a bath in cold water

  11. you can try freezing some plastic bottles with water in them or give her some ice packs to lay next to so that she can cool of

    (or picture looks ALOT like David Cook by the way, you know the guy who won american idell)

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