
Is my guinea pigs life in danger? (again) PLEASE HELP?

by Guest67149  |  earlier

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I am very worried because I know that some animals can die without a salt l**k :o

Does a guinea pig need a salt and/or mineral wheel/ball/l**k?????????????? ???????????

I know they sell ones that are specially made for guinea pigs at my local pet store, but we aren't rich or wealthy or anything so I don't want to buy anything unencesarie.

So do guinea pigs need or like mineral and/or salt l**k/wheels????????????

Thanks a bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Btw 10 pints for the person with best answer!!!!





  1. Some like them, and some don't.  I bought one for my guinea pig, and she never touched it.  I can't imagine it's something they need to survive, or else I'd think mine would've used it.  Mine did eventually die, but it was from a respiratory infection.

    I don't think they're expensive, though, so why not get one and see if she likes it??

  2. No guinea pigs don;'t need a salt l**k. I have been raising guinea pigs for about 8 years now (i had one that lived to be 6 which is good for a guinea pig, and now I have two that are two) and they have been fine without anything to l**k. All they need is guinea pig food, fresh hay and clean water. Also some vegtables such as celery, carrots lettuce ect occasionally. It says   occasionally in most books but I give mine half a stick of celery or carrot each or a bowl of grass or mixed salad between them twice a day. They are happy, healthy guinea pigs.

  3. There should be sodium in her food, so she will be fine. It is probably best to give her a salt l**k though. She will only l**k it if she needs more sodium though. You can get salt licks at Walmart. They are really cheap too. I don't think any animals could die without a salt l**k if they are getting good nutrition.

  4. It's not vital, the only supplement that is absolutely necessary for guinea pig health is vitamin C which should *NOT* be added to the water (most specialized guinea pig-not rabbit-pelleted foods include some but you should still add a little more to ensure that they get enough).  Below is a quote from about how to administer it.

      "To supplement, get the chewable 'Vitamin C only' tablets

      for adults or children. To ensure proper dosage, divide up

      the tablet and then crush it, or crush it and then divide it up. If

      you have a 500 mg tablet, then one cavy needs 1/10 of that

      daily. It's best to divide it up into two doses, one in the

      morning, one in the evening. You can mix the powder or

      chunks in with their pellets or sprinkle it on their veggies. An

      easy way to crush a tablet is between two tablespoons."

    I have never heard of any animals dieing only because they did have access to a salt l**k.  With a properly balance diet salt licks aren't necessary.  Unfortunately few commercial foods are properly balanced.

    Make sure that your guinea pig always has good timothy hay available-not just at mealtimes or as a treat.  Fresh fruits and veggies should also be fed daily.

    If you have any other questions about guinea pigs, pm me as I'd be more than happy to help.

  5. AGAIN??? !!!!

    YES! Get your pet to the vet straight away!

    PLEASE! Drop the animal off at a vet if you can't pay for the treatment.

    Your abusive neglect may have already cost this innocent animal's life.

    Never hold another living thing captive unless you educate yourself about it's needs and care and are able and willing to afford the cost of proper care.


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