
Is my hamster a boy or a girl please help!?

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my hamster pooped and it was red and it smelled vary strong is she/ a boy or a girl please tell me its the first time my hamster does that




  1. Female hamsters have nipples,males do not.

    Females have a rounded bum,males are 'pear shaped'.

    Females smell alot stronger than males.

  2. Hold it up so its stomach is facing you

    If there s a bulging area above his/her tail then it is a boy

    If there is no bulging area around tail, but 2 holes pretty close together then its a girl.

  3. I am not sure about the stool that it passed. But if it is a male it will usually become fairly obvious after a bit. The testicles are usually very obvious after they mature.

  4. Considering that the pet shop person did not even know the difference between gerbils and hamsters, it would not be surprising if he confused between male and female hamsters.

    For the best way to find out your hamster is male or female, open the following link and read on how to find out a hamster gender -

  5. Usually, it's a girl that does that. Just from commen sense. If you still can't figure it out, take it to the place where you got it, or take it to your local vet. This is very important just in case you decide to get another hamster & put it in the same cage. Females and Females fight, vice versa with Males.

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