
Is my hamster injured!? Help me!

by  |  earlier

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So I was playing with my hamster and we were playing catapoult and when we do that I take my hamster against a rubberband and fling it against the brick wall outside. Than i left my hamster laying on the cement and when i went into go get a popsicle i came back out and i think i accidently stepped on my hamster. Half of him is flat and the other is plump and he lost a paw is he going to be okay cause after i gave him an advil he stopped breathing. :(




  1. umm, well um, here's my points but...

    seriously...take a rubber band and fling your delicate hamster on a brick wall...

    then leave it out there when they escape easy?

    then STEP ON IT? i'm sorry buddy but, it's dead.

  2. You are soo evil!!!!


  3. um... haha? very funny?

    get a life, you dumbass

  4. yeah sure he will be fine, you can always dig a hole and burry him and a year later go see how he is.



    ps: Bahaha no 1 here can tell any1 here to get a life..considering we are all sitting infront of the computer.

  5. What an idiot! That is RIDICULOUS! That's animal cruelty ya know! Sick person.

  6. hahah

    do you think this is funny

    im sorry but its not

  7. two points for me.

    and you lost five.

  8. yeah hes totally fine

    WTF is your problem???

    asking that question?!?!

    I MEAN OF COURSE ITS OK!!!!!!!!!!

    gosh.. i mean you didnt do anything wrong..  maybe a little flat..

    but the advil  shoulda helped b y killing it


    now u should try the game ragdoll!


    i play that with ugly foo #87

    hes the 87th

    hammy to die this minute

  9. ooo...I wish i could have a hamster like that :( he/her seems so cute. but I think you should bring it to the vet. fast!

  10. how could you flinging a hamster against a wall it's a wonder you aren't reported for animal cruelty  !  no animal deserves that. how could you !!!

  11. That is wrong on so many levels. I hope you go to jail for animal cruelty. I'm sure the hamster would rather be dead than owned by you.

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