
Is my hamster okay????

by  |  earlier

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I just gave my hamster water like 18 minutes ago and I checked on him and I saw a moth in his cage. We cleaned him like a week ago and where cleaning him tommarow. Did it just get in threw the mesh wiring? I got the moth out, my hamster is acting very normal. But please tell me everythings all right I love my hamster so much and he is used to me and I am use to it! Please help me! My mom said that he will be fine. Please tell me he's okay! I am just so attached to him! I think he'll be fine but I just want him to be okay! I am so nervous for my hamster! Please tell me he will be fine!




  1. ur scared over a moth? come on, your hamster is fine

  2. Your hamster is most likey fine :] Moths don't do much. They kinda just fly around. Anyway, hamsters are desert animals. They eat insects in the wild, so even if your hamster ate the moth, it would've been fine.

    I know how you feel about being paranoid about your hamster. I'm a lot like that myself, and whenever something happens [even when it's not a big deal], I worry. Try not to worry so much. Judgin by your question, you're a great owner :] If you ever need any help, you should go on The people there are so friendly and informative! Good luck!

  3. moths don't do anything and they fly when something moves so i don't think it bit your hamster because they don't bite.

  4. Don't worry, you're mom was probably right. Hamsters eat insects in the wild, so it shouldn't be a problem, but if you're hamster gets a stomach problem, consider taking him to the vet, but most likely, you're little furry friend will be fine.

  5. dont worry i had a moth in my hamster cage and noting happen i only have metal bars like a jail cell-only 4 days old-baby

  6. im actually surprised the hamster didn't eat the moth. i know that they like to chow on live crickets and stuff. he'll be fine.  

  7. okay, lady, this is stupid.

    "oh my god a moth! my hamster gonna get a disease!

    omg omg omg omg. i'ma die. i'ma die."

    * inhale*



    Seriousley. he's fine. check back with me when gets eatin' by it.

  8. Don't worry, your hamster will be fine. My hamster ate a spider and lived for 5 years!
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