
Is my heart rate now normal fast after ablation (1 month now) or is it a sign of return or ?

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What is normal fast heart rate I did an ablation for WPW 1 month ago but on two occasions since then I clocked my heart rate at 111 and 124 just for about 3 seconds. Before my ablation it was over 200 and would or could go for for quite sometime. For those who would suggest ask my Cardiologist, I would but he is in Alaska and wont be returning until next week. I did go into the heart centre to check on it but they claimed it was apart of the healing process & that it was really normal fast. The ekg came out normal that day too. They said that I shouldnt worry too much, but watch it if it feels like or clock in 150-200 especially for an extended period. I know these doctors have many patients sometimes and some are overworked so I know my symptoms may get overlooked or wrongly diagnosed. Any suggestions, info, personal experiences to share? Thank you for ur valid input..Kaiser




  1. Some people have a naturally high hearthrate. I've had mine investigated up and down with computers, scanners, monitors, the works, and even though I'm 27 it seems my max HR is still well over 200.

    If you are otherwise in good physical condition, you manage to do cardio ok etc. I wouldn't worry about it. If it puts your mind at ease, have your heart imaged.

    EDIT: I understand your concern, but really, if you feel no discomfort running at 150-200, don't let it bug you. I was in the best cardiovascular shape of my life when I was about 15 and my max HR floated at 250. It seems we simply share the natural ability of a higher natural HR frequency. My max HR now is just a bit over 200, so it does get lower as you grow older. And you've already been imaged and tested, so no worries :) Try to read up some litterature on it, if it puts you at ease.

  2. A family member was just cleared after his second ablation so, i understand your nervousness. 111-124 falls within the range of a normal rhythm. It should also be reassuring to you that the EKG was normal because, as you probably know, WPW is very clear on an EKG. Do you have information on ways to slow your heart rate down IF you should experience a fast rhythm? It may sound weird, but, bearing down like you are having a BM and holding it then release take a breath and bear down again. Also putting your wrists in icy water will help also. Knowing something to do can make you  feel more empowered. After just spending the last 8 months caring for someone with wpw I know how nerve wracking it can be. Do you understand your after care? What is the plan for post-op monitoring-3month post op holter? If you don't feel comfortable and/or don't have a good sense of your treatment plan don't hesitate to make an appointment with or ask for a phone consult with your cardiologist. I will keep you in my prayers and trust that you will experience complete healing!

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