
Is my horse pregnent or dose'nt behave well any more?

by  |  earlier

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well when I try to put cristles tack on her she never lets me get the saddle on her and when I groom her




  1. Has she been exposed to a stallion?  Have you had her very long?  Could she have been bred before you got her?  These are things that are not hard to explore...who did you buy her from?  talk to them.  How long have you had her?  Could she have been bred after you got her?  If there is a chance of any of these things happening, I would call the vet out, have her palpated and then you will know for sure if she is pregnant and when to expect her to foal.

  2. I scanned one of my mares in foal today and whether she is in foal or not it would not make her cross it seems she has pain somewhere or will need to go over the basic again a mare running with stallions is very risky and if they are not the right match the foal may not be what you like it is also important in early pregancy to scan a mare to see if she is expecting twins as there is a very high chance they could abort the two and a vet always recommends to squeeze one twin to save the other as awful as it sounds it would save the other so get a horse vet to check her out etc best of luck

  3. She SHOULD NOT BE turned out with stallions

  4. Ummmm has she had a preg. test? U should do that before you conclude. ANd has she ever been hit, kicked, ect. Maybe while you were out of town?

  5. there could be several reasons for all of this behaviour!

    1. ill-fitting tack

    2. cruelty in the past

    3. she associates pain with riding

    4. sensitive around stomach area - horses can be ticklish too!

    Firstly, I would check with her previous owner if you have not had her long. Ask about her behaviour and if she was exposed to a stallion at any point.

    Next have her tack checked, and once this is fine I would go back to basics, if you can ride. Build her confidence!

    If none of this makes any difference, call the vet. He/she will be able to tell if she is in foal, and can carry out tests or scans if necessary.

    If she is not in foal then sensitivity seems the problem. Use methods from TTEAM:


    Hope i helped!

  6. she is in season, all mares are crabby when they are in season. thats why geldings are better to have

  7. She's probably pregnant..... I wouldn't EVER turn a mare out with stallions unless you want her bred!!! you shouldn't ride her while she's pregnant, you should get a vet check!!!

  8. Why would you think she is pregnant? As mentioned; has she been with a stallion etc.?

    It sounds like she is in pain. You need to have her back, teeth and saddle checked by qualified people (backman, dentist and saddle fitter) and also get a vet to look her over. Is this recent? She may be in season and her ovaries are sore which could be why she doesn't want the saddle on. If you email me with answers to the following questions I should be able to offer more advice. :-)

    1 - When did this start?

    2 - How does she "never let you get the saddle on"

    3 - What is she like when ridden?

    4 - How old is she?

    5 - Is there a chance she could be pregnant?



  9. This questions is crazy. If you planned for your horse to get pregnant then thats fine, but the fact that you are asking "is she pregnant" sounds irresponsible like you didn't really plan, but decided to throw your mare out with a stallion. It sounds like you are not ready for this. Unless your parents are doing it and just havent told you thats different, but sounds wierd. But I don't think it is common for a horse to reject grooming etc if shes pregnant unless she is in pain and thats not good.

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