
Is my house infested with roaches?

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now i dont no if i should call an exterminater the only place i see the roaches is in the restroom at night i usually spray them with bugspray and they run under to my fridge and i also spot little baby roaches ocasionanily running around so am i ifested even though i only see them in that area




  1. Call an exterminator immediately!  The roaches will lay eggs in you rclothes, and when you move houses, they will hatch at the new place.

  2. Yes

  3. lol joe's apartment, do these roaches sing and dance?

    anyway, there's other poisons to use, try going to the garden section of home depot or walmart and asking what besides bugspray can you use. if the other poisions don't work call an exterminator.

    + make sure you do the dishes everynight and dont leave food or drinks out. fruits you should cover up

  4. do you know that saying where you see 1 roach there are hundreds?

  5. Yes! I heard that if you see more than one then you are probably infested with hundreds - if not thousands!

    Those critters like to stay hidden, which is probably why you only see them at night.

    They are attracted to electricity, so check your nearest outlets, phones, or appliances - including under the fridge - for signs of fecal matter or dead bugs.


  7. is your name joe by any chance and do u live in an apartment?

  8. Go to the store and get some bug spray. (Try to find a wholesaler for exterminators, they often have stuff that they can sell retail. Another good place is a farm and ranch supply) Try to get a spray that comes with a small straw-like tube that fits on the nozzle.

    Spray in the cracks behind and under the cabinets and appliances. Also spray around places where the plumbing enters the wall. Then spray a small spot about 4 inches in diameter in the corners of the walls where the baseboards meet the floor.

    Done right, you should have easily used less than one can.

    Next, start dealing with you landlord only in writing, certified mail, with a recept. Keep a copy. Do this 3-4 times, say 5 days apart. Usually this get their attention and they get on the ball.

    Legally, you did not tell them about the problem unless it is in writing! DO NOT THREATEN THEM! That will just p**s them off and make things worse.  

    When you get a sorry landlord that does not do his job, the fact that you are sending letters, (with a reciept) tells themn you are fed up and are learning about your legal rights. At this point they generally start to do better because they know that if they don't, it can end up costing them a ton of money in the long run.  It is kind of like threatening to sue them, but in a polite way that generally does not make them too angery.

    This will work all by itself 90% of the time. And it will do so without totally wrecking your realtionship with the landlord. Remember, you will need something from then in the future!

    Good luck!

  9. If you see one there are dozens more, if you see babies then they are breeding, which is a sure sign of infestation, I'd say you've got a problem.

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