
Is my house really haunted, and, if so, what should I do about it?

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I think my house may be haunted, but I'm not quite sure. My best friend comes over really often, almost every weekend, and every time she says she sees or hears weird things. She's told me she's seen the figure of a man multiple times, at first outside on the front porch staring through the window, and then again standing by the stairs. We've also heard taping and knocking noises on the windows and front door. And a few times she's said she's sensed the presense of someone right outside my kitchen or front door, and she's been so scared by it that she's hidden in the bathroom. I know it sounds skeptical, but my friend's not the type to lie about this stuff. She's wicked scared of ghosts and can't stand talking about them. There've also been occurenses of things turning on by themselves. The TV turned on the other day, and my family figured someone was sitting on the remote, but it was sitting right above it. And the light in the hallway randomly turns off at times. I know it may...




  1. Get a digital camera, and every time you sense, see or hear something snap about 6 shots in the direction that the event occurred. Load the pictures into your computer the next day around 10AM, but you can do it anytime that there's plenty of daylight. Study the pictures and if there is a ghost it should show up sooner or later in one of your pictures. If after studying about 50 of these pictures and nothing shows up, then you can assume it's just an over active imagination or a loose electrical connection, which a good electrician needs to check out.

  2. if shes so scared why does she keep coming back? ok thats off the subject =) It could be, u have to try to debonk noises and whatnot, see what else could be causing them, kinla like what TAPS does.....and the unexplainable is exactly that, and if the spirit isn't harming you or anyone else, you really don't have to do anything about it.

  3. I have some friends that have the knocking on the window thing going on. And if they buy a new toy, at night late after everyone goes to sleep, they hear the toy being played with, no they are not in the same room as the kids. After the toy gets old, it doesn't get played with anymore. Go figure, isn't that just like a kid.

    My advice, find a reputable investigative group to have your place checked out. This may take two or three trips.

  4. Maybe .. maybe not.. I am a member of a group of people who investigate hunting's. The first thing I tell everyone to do is relax. I have never in all my many years heard of  a spirit who hurt anyone.. scared them yeah but never hurt them. You could try 2 things.. one.. take lots of pictures  .. take double of every shot and compare them.. only look for orbs that give their own light, as dust and all kinds of stuff can cause orbs. and two .. record for voices.. listen very closely as most not all but most evps are very quiet , whisper like .. do it often and if you get evps and or any type of "ghostly" pics call in a local group who can help you figure it out from there. Look for a local group who do investigations for free, most dont charge, I feel any group who charges are only in it for money and things like this should only be done as a service. Try to look at it as an adventure.. and don't be afraid. Its your house and you are in charge.

  5. yes ur house is haunted do most smartthing to do is call those paranormal people

  6. I have been dealing with the Paranormal for many years.  I saw my first ghost when I was 5.  I started a Paranormal Group and we do investigations for people who say they think they are being haunted.  If a home is not haunted we will tell them what we found that made them think they had ghosts.

         I do believe your home is haunted but not by anything to be afraid of.  If by now no one has had any kind of unexplained injuries by now, you have a ghost or a Spirit that just likes to play games with you.  As for you friend's fear, you may be picking up her fear and just scaring yourself for nothing.  If you want to have some fun back with whoever is there just start taking some pictures when your friend is over and then maybe she can rid herself of some of her fears.  You really have nothing to be afraid of.

              Good Luck and getting an answer that will help you out.

  7. The first thing to remember is safety. If the electricity in the home is doing strange things, have it checked out to eliminate any fire hazard. I have found that a good Digital recorder like the Olympus VN-4100PC (Radio Shack has them) it will help you find out if any EVP's are present (Don't use a motorized tape recorder you get motor noise). A good friend told me that if you feel that something is in your home and has not caused any harm, you have to let it know that you don't want it doing that. Sometimes you have to even say "not right now" or "go play somewhere else". I am not sure if that will work for you, but it is worth a try. If you need outside help, find a good Paranormal Investigation Group that is free of charge (Yahoo has many to choose from). Take care and be safe. ~G~

  8. Watch ghosthunter on channel 60 the sci fi channel. These folks come and investigate. That is probably what you could do if you really believe your house has activity. Most of the time it is nothing. Seeing is believing. We have never done a house investigation however there is always a first time... :)

  9. My sister and I have ghosts in our house every single time we move - or at least they may follow us everywhere or something. Anyway, simply tell your ghost(s) to GO AWAY. Tell them to go to the light! That is waht we do - and they most often go away. I'm not making any promises though. Presonally, ghosts can't hurt you so they are no threat to you or your friend but still, tell your ghost to go away.

  10. Call TAPS! :P

  11. possible electrical problems. have it checked before you think of ghosts. Check for appliances that turn on automatically like a sump pump or air cond.

  12. I,m not saying that their is a ghost in your house or not. But the important thing is the activity is bothering you. What you can do is bless the house with sage. Go from room to room and say the Lord's Pray and tell the ghost (be very assertive when doing this) rather demand the ghost to leave this is your house. You can also use Holy water when you are blessing the house. I hope this will help you and God Bless!

  13. My suggestion would be call upon paranormal team and get them come in and check things out. Most can figure out weather is it is good or evil, if it is good they can try to find out what it's purpose is. If it is evil (which it doesn't sound like) they could possible do a cleansing of the house and remove it.

  14. Does this stuff only happen when she's around?  If so the ghost may just enjoy the attention they are getting from her.  Hey they are people, just dead people, and just like us they get bored and sometimes need a good laugh.  If you guys aren't picking up any bad vibes, and there is no feeling of threat than I wouldn't be too concerned even if the things happen when she's not there.  As for calling "investigatiors"........I like my privacy and have enough people dead and alive coming in and out of my house without inviting more over.  I grew up in a haunted house, and everywhere I go family ghosts follow us or we end up living somewhere that is just haunted.  My husband and brother refered to our last apartment as Ghost Grand Central, and really it was.  I'm just grateful the ones that we deal with now our ours.  If I were to call in investigators, they would wreak havoc in our home.  I prefer to just keep the peace.  As long as they stay out of the shower, and bedroom when my husband and I want to be intimate I'm cool with sharing my house with them.  Trust me the day you're just about to reach that peak and you open your eyes and see a ghost sticking their upper torso thru the wall leaning over to look at you is not "cool."  In fact it kills the mood.  Especially when both of us can see them.

  15. I think your house is just fine.  It sounds like your friend is the one who is haunted.  This is a fine example supporting the statement "There is no such thing as haunted houses, only haunted people."  The idea is that hauntings can be attributed by particular people--more specifically particular *kinds* of people.  Some psychologists have suggested there are certain people that are much more open to the idea of fantasy and suggestion  ("fantasy-prone personalities").

    It appears your friend has perceived several apparently paranormal things at your house.  I am willing to bet your friend perceives apparently paranormal things just about everywhere she goes, so I wouldn't be surprised if your house is not the only place she thinks is haunted.

    One of the problems with such people is their tendency to suggest to others that certain places are haunted.  This plants a seed in a person open to such suggestions, causing them to (sub)consciously find data that support the claim.

  16. Did you  notice anything unusual before your friend came over? Is there a chance she brought it with her? Does she know anything about the paranormal? When she saw the man....did she think he was real at the time?Have any of you been messing with paranormal things?How long has this been happening? Any change in your family's personality lately? Do you feel any cold spots? Do you sense anything around you?  I think there might be spirits everywhere....there are some people who see them and some that don't.  I wouldn't go "stirring things up". Maybe if you ignore will either go away or at least not bother you. I guess they have to have some place to reside. Would you want to put them out in the cold?It's the REAL people you've got to be worried about.

    EDIT...Maybe they're letting you know that they're there so you  won't do anything you wouldn't want them to see. That's probably better than their watching you all the time and you don't know it.

  17. I think it might be a midwayer. But if not, then it's a human being snooping around your house.

    Midwayers are "unique beings existing on a life-functioning level about midway between those of the mortals of the realms and of the angelic orders". They aren't bad at all, and in fact help the angels. But they do feel very sad and frustrated when people are afraid of them, and when they think they are demons when they in fact are quite the opposite. They are so sensitive to your feelings that when you're afraid they go away; they hate it that you're afraid of them.

    You can read about them at the url below:

  18. do you know anyone who has passed away, friends, or family...the tapping on the window and doors is common for a spirit to try and get your guessing its easy for them to do, ive had personal experience with tappings on the was my friend who died, but i didnt know at that stage and he was just trying to get my attention and as soon as i got the news it all stopped.....the tapping can be very constant.......

  19. As Peter says, there's no haunted houses, just haunted people. Your best friend seems to be haunted since she's really the only one who's seeing or hearing things, but what is she haunted by? Her own power of suggestion? A mystical way of thinking powered by her imagination?  Or is her experience credible evidence for assuming spirits are actually floating about?

    It's not unusual for TVs to turn on from stray IR signals. Check the bulb in your hallway light, it may be loose.

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