
Is my iPod about to die? Need help soon!?

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Ok so I've been using an iPod (Second generation iPod Nano) and all of a sudden while selecting a song the screen froze. I could not turn the iPod off or end the frozen screen, so it eventually just ran out of batteries. I am currently recharging it and do not yet know if the problem has been fixed, but I was wondering. Is the screen freezing a sign the ipod will soon be broken?




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  2. Any time the screen freezes hold down the menu and center button at the same time until it shuts off. That way you won't have to wait for the battery to die. If I were you I'd make an appointment with the Genius Bar  at your local Apple store and ask them to take a look at it. If something is wrong they can usually either fix it or replace it for you. Make the appointment online so that you don't show up and have them unable to help you.

    Honestly it doesn't sound like your iPod is going to die. Technology isn't perfect and it has quirks, just accept that. If it happens often then maybe something is wrong but if it is just this once or every now and then just write it off as a fluke and don't worry.

  3. could be a sign, you wont know til you "fix" it

    2nd gen nano's were great, no hd to fail

    they are at least 2x more reliable than the HD models

    go to the apple site

    Reset Retry Restart Reinstall Restore

    before you panic, I've had similar problems with my nano, done the

    5 r's, and had no further problems

  4. Thats happened to me tons of times. It may have been dropped or something. Its nornmal for it to have lost batteries. After its recharged, itll be fine!!

    dont worry


    sarah b

  5. ipods freeze all the time so , no it doesn't mean it's dying. All you have to do is reset it.

  6. it happpen all the time, it just had an error code, you could reinstal if it continues

  7. no, i dont think you have to worry, although this may sound bad it happens to my ipod all of the time just reset your ipod and itll be fine but it may different because i have a different kind of ipod

  8. the only way yo ipod can die is if you dont have a charger

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