
Is my kitten TOO attached?

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My 3 month kitten was born feral til this lady took in her and her sister and semi calmed them down. i've now had my kitten for a month and is fully calm and loving. But im afraid she's now too attached to me. my older cat is just around and cuddles here and there but my kitten has to be around me almost all the time. like when i come home from work, she latches herself on my leg. when im on the couch, she always sleep on me. at night, she has to sleep in my arms or by my chest or she wont sleep and will cry. Dont get me wrong, i love her attention and love but im a little worried. Should I try to stop her from being so attached? Or is it a normal kitten stage? I got my other cat at 6 months and he wasn't like this.

She also does this weird pawing thing on my body when she sleeps. its like she's clawing something but she doesn't use her claws. i find it kinda odd.

Here's a pic of her




  1. whats the matter with her fur?? sorry

    yes thats totally normal , my kitten is about 4 months now and has been doing it since we got him with me i had many sleepless nights because of not wanting to roll on him.

    the pawing thing is a sign of happyness , i call it 'paddy paws'

    anyway what i have done with my kitten is wein him off sleeping 'on' me and now he sleeps on his own cusion next to my head with a baby blanket. but still needs lots of closeness

    last summer when i was at my grandmother we found a beautiful male we named roman who just wanted to be sooo close all the time and he was about a year at the time and he is such a big boy he takes up so much space lol anyway he is 2 or somthing now and still hasnt grown out of it , i think it has to do with abandonment issuses

    if it is really interfeering with your sleep keep gently putting her on a pillow next to your head when she goes to sleep and she will eventually get the hang of it and knowing your not going anyway =]

    *edit* sorry i only glanced at the photo it looked like she had  a bald patch , shes lovely =]

  2. she loves you so much and looks at you like her mommy...let her be herself and by the way she is very gorgeous

  3. Don't worry - It is normal for kittens to be like that. Kittens love having attention so they are very loving and want to to pet and hold them a lot. All kittens go through that stage I think.  

  4. When a cat does the paw thing she is doing what she did to her mother to get milk, it is her saying "I Love You" and "Your my new mother". A kitten attached like that is okay if you want a clingy kitty and a cat that will not leave your side. If she is going to be an indoor cat that behavior is fine but if she is going to be an outdoor cat, i would break the habit. She would become to attached and not want to go outside unless your out there. Hope this helps. PS Cute kitten!

  5. Aww! She is adorable. She will probably snap out of it.

    I just got my kitten yesterday,and as I type this he is sitting on my lap. He's somewhat attached and also pushes on me with his two paws as if he thinks I'm his mommy.

    Give her time,it's not a bad thing  that she loves being around should be glad she loves you!

  6. Your formerly feral kitten has bonded to you  - she thinks you are her mom.  When she does the weird pawing thing, she is "kneading" - the same motion a tiny kitten would use on her mom's belly to encourage the milk out.  

    It is perfectly normal, and shows you that she is a happy, happy kitten.  All of my adult cats knead and purr when being cuddled.

    You have a Friend for life - just remember, you can't spoil with love- it just comes back to you.  Enjoy!

  7. she loves you its normal

  8. to the girl witht he lost hamster: i really suggest you get of Y!A and find your hamster, cats and dogs eat hamsters!

  9. The pawing is called "needing" (sounds like that but spelled different).  I dont know why they do it.  all my cats do it.  They are all different i have one cat out of three that wants to be with us all the time and one that goes and lays on the other side of the room and the other is scared of everything.  They are all different and if you dont plan on getting rid of the cat and its not bothering you to have a needy cat then dont worry about it, it just loves you.

  10. It's a good sign that she's this attached to you. You're her parent. She'll grow out of it by 5 months old. My kitten slept on my husband's neck for the first week that we had her and then she started sleeping between us. Then she migrated to the top of my pillow. Now I have no idea where she sleeps. I can say I've been getting much better sleep w/o a cat in my bed though lol. She used to whine when we weren't around though. Even if I was on one side of a door and she was on the other side. My guess is that she's just grateful to have an indoor home and food in her belly. She doesn't want to go back to "street life". She'll grow out of it. She's still a baby.

    As far as the pawng thing on your bed goes.... Does it look like she's marching in place with just her front paws? It's called "kneading" or "making biscuits". Just like dogs wag their tails when they're happy, kittens do this. It means they're comfortable. Newborn kittens do it to their mother's belly to make her release milk for them. Some cats never grow out of it. Both of my kittens make biscuits.

  11. The pawing, or kneading, is good, it means the kitten is happy and comfortable.  Kittens get milk from their mothers by kneading them, so as adults, it's comforting.  I think you're cat has some form of feline separation anxiety.  If she was picked up when she was too young to leave the mother, then it can be pretty traumatizing.  How old was she when she was picked up as a feral?

  12. If she was feral and taken away from Mom this is perfectly normal, my kitten would bite me on the nose and attack my head while sleeping scary got her 2 wks old now 3 yrs old and affectionate as an angel

  13. i also had a kitten that followed me everywhere... i couldn't even keep the bathroom door closed when i used it... he just had to be in there!  my cat eventually got over it, but a couple nights where she is alone won't hurt her, and will hopefully help her get accustomed to being alone. every cat is different...

  14. well i have two cats also my cats were never like that but my best friends cat did that to her all the time it means they have attachment problems they hold on to you all the time and stuff, but no worrys! he/she will grow out of it trust me i work at a animale shelter you and your cat will be just fine:)

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