
Is my landlord scamming me???

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I live in a 2 Bed/2 BATH Condo. I am a upper level Corner Unit, I have a lot of windows in Every room except the 2 bathrooms.. The Complex was built in 1989 and the Central AC unit is the Original. My bill last month was $480 for A/C... Now to me that is Outrageous,. I keep the temp on 75 but sometimes I do lower it to 70 considering the sun just pours in through the windows in the living room. I realize since I am upstairs heat rises and that since I do have so many windows it heats up quicker in here,.... But $480??? I dont have a huge condo...Its kitchen, livingroom/dining combo, master bedrrom, second bedroom, 2 full bathrooms, and few closets. I talked to my landlord...who is loaded and lives in a HUGE House, also owns quite a few more of the units in my development...she says her electric bill is $700.... and thats just the way it is,,I find this hard to believe ....I think the A/C Unit is old and cant keep up with the summer heat..

Is she aloud to do this....? I mean it does work...Just not efficiently Obviously!!!




  1. .    At some point all renters wake up and say "Wait a minute.  I'm going to buy a home and never have to deal with another landlord".   I think you are there.  When the AC runs all day, it is not adequate for the job.  But it is blowing cool air so the landlord has no legal responsibility to replace it.  A smart landlord wants to replace items that are worn out. Otherwise she will lose tenants and lose money.

  2. There is something wrong! There is no way your bill should be anywhere near that.  I'd say your overpaying by at least $300 of what you should be paying.

  3. If you keep your a/c on 24-7 and set it at 70 to 75, if you live in the south, that really isn't THAT bad!  Also, like you stated, you live in an upper level, and heat does rise, and you have a lot of windows.  Electric rates have gone up just like everything else. Why do you have an attitude about your landlord living in a HUGE house and owning other units?  She earns it every month believe me, and I am sure no one just handed her all of those units she owns.  Do you honestly expect her to replace your a/c unit?  If she replaced yours, she would have to replace everyone else's too.  If the units are central air, each unit would probably cost $2,500 each.  She doesn't have to replace it, it is not broken.    If she replaced something every time someone complained, she would be living in a tent.  When your lease is up, just move out.  

  4. Electric is always at a higher rate in the summer. But for the price of one months electric bill, you could buy a unit of your own. As long as you get to take it with you, it would pay for itself.

    Or you could let her know you won't be renewing your lease, maybe that will get results.

  5. With electric/fuel costs up, everything is up.  As long as the AC works as promised, there really is not much you can do.  

    You don't mention whether the condo's are individually metered.  If they are, call the electric company and ask for your usage and see if it has changed.  Then check the prices per kilowatt to see how much they have gone up.  If there is not much change in either, then you have a legitimate gripe.

    You can also ask the electric company to come out and check your condo to see if you are losing cool air somewhere and if so, how to fix it.

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