
Is my laptop safe in my suitcase?

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I will soon be traveling to the US and was hoping to take my laptop. Would it be better to just put it in my suitcase to save on security checks etc?

I'm no bothered about having it with me for the flight (the battery power is pathetic!) but would like it whilst over there




  1. I'd gladly place a bet that any laptop put into a suitcase and checked with an airline would either be a) destroyed or b) stolen.

    The security check is nothing. You take the computer out of it's case and put it through the same machine as you put your shoes, jacket, etc. Once only - no matter how many plane changes you have.

    Take the laptop as carry-on.

  2. take it as carry on luggage, its safer

  3. No! I am extremely paranoid about things like that, but I would NEVER do that! My aunt went out of the country on a trip once and someone went in her suitcase and stole somethings from her, so I wouldn't recommend putting a laptop in your suitcase.

    Hope I helped and enjoy your trip!


  4. uhm NO.

    because they throw and toss the suitcases.

    they aren't careful.

    if you put it in your suitcase, it's just an invitation saying "Go Ahead and break it."

    because it will get broken.

  5. I am extremely paranoid about thefts when I travel anywhere.  I leave nothing of value in my packed luggage, just in case.... There have been newspaper stories of baggage being ramsacked at airports by luggage handlers.

    I know most luggage handlers are nice people and not thieves, and just doing their job, etc.  But I'm still very cautious when traveling.  

    I have a small carry-on and into it goes my digital camera, medications, etc.  You could add your laptop in such a carry-on.  

    Someone said, "Better safe than sorry..." and I agree totally.  I've never had anything stolen in any of my trips, in the US or Europe.  My passport, tickets, etc. are always in a money belt and it's never out of my sight.... etc. etc.

    You'll love the US, by the way.  The British pound is now worth a fortune!  Have a great trip.  

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