
Is my leopard gecko sick or just stressed.?

by  |  earlier

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my leopard geck isnt eating like shes losing strenght and her tail is really thin... wat should i do should i bring her to the vet or somthing else. (if you could please recomend a vet in mineapolis that takes care of reptiles)




  1. If her tail is thin, then you definitely need to get her to a vet.  The tail is where they store their extra fat..that's the last bit of reserve they have left.  I can't suggest a reptile vet in Minneapolis, but you can just open the phone book and start calling and ask if the see reptiles.  Please get her seen ASAP!!!

  2. First off - have you been caring for her properly, and how old is she?

    I have provided a site below which I have found very informative, and which can help you with care/feeding/ basic issues.

    If she is not eating, and has no fat stores left (tail is skeletal in appearance, and pelvic bones are prominent) she's close to organ failure.  This IS a serious thing.  Geckos can 'go down' very quickly.

    Unfortunately, I can't recommend a vet in your area.  I always try to stress to folks purchasing a new animal to have it examined by a reptile vet at the time of puchase.  It is better to be prepared, then to try to find a vet when your animal is already in trouble.

    Call the shop where you purchased her, or one that sells Leos, and ask them what vet they use.

    Please call around ASAP, and get her to a qualified vet immediately, before its too late. :(

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