
Is my life over?

by  |  earlier

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i was supposed to take the ACT this morning but i guess someone (points up*) didnt want me too. he wanted me to get in a car accident instead. thanks! .....anyway i am on a ODL (occupational drivers licence..) and i was not permitted to be driveing during this part of the day. SO put two and two f*u*c*k*e*d am i? will i get my licence taken awayt for anothor 6 months? I hope to high h**l not. Help right away please.. (Im in Wisconsin by the way.)

stupid black ice is going to ruin my life...isnt?




  1. your life will be o.k  this is just what they call a speed learning bump.

  2. well id be guessing your right how does one say snow shoe and or ski

  3. As long as you keep blaming other things and other people for your life's s***w ups I would say you are. But if you start taking responsibility and own it and follow a rule or two then I would say you learned a life lesson and hopefully won't repeat it. It would be a drag to waste a life on stupidity when you could do so much to make a difference in the world and with those around you. Breathe! You'll soon find out what the courts decide to do.

  4. lol.... no it wont

  5. Not the ice but its you, hopefully you maybe have learned something and for this you can thank the big guy upstairs.

  6. First,   HE (points up) doesn't bring misfortune into your life,   he lets you make mistakes to learn by.   It's the fallen one that wants to see you fail.

    As to the reason for driving,  see the judge and explain the situation,   take the ACT  test appointment confirmation letter as proof.   I doubt a judge would hold that against you.    You may still be fined for "speed to fast for conditions",  and in fact may bargain this back to that charge and a defensive driving course as a way to keep your ODL.

  7. I don't think it is black ice that will ruin your life.  I believe it is your immaturity and disregard for laws that cause you problems.

    It is not too late to learn from your mistakes and travel a different pathway.
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