
Is my life story interesting? or not

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So I'm 39 years old. Married with 5 kids. 2 are stepkids, one we had together and the other two we adopted together.

When I was 15 I got pregnant and had a beautiful baby boy called Jeremie. I loved him sooo much it hurt but i couldn't keep him so I gave him up. I still see him from time to time. He's 24 now, married to a woman called Wanda, they have a little 2 year old boy called Nicklaus.

I didn't go to college, instead I got a job as a nanny and I worked in that profession, traveling to many places, until I worked for a family in italy. There, I met my husband, Dion, he was Greek and we fell madly in love. I was 25, he was 30. He already had two kids and was a widower. His wife had died in childbirth with their second child because they came from a breathtakingly poor Greek village and she never got to a hospital. So he had his 2 kids, Alena, who at the time was 4 and Lacy who was 3. We wed 2 years later, when I was 27. The girls were my junior bridesmaids.

we moved to Montreal and lived there for 5 years, until I was 32. By that time we had our son, Iain. He was a wonderful, cheery little boy. He was born when I was 30. We moved to Washington state and we still live there. When I was 37 my sister was in a car crash. We got custody of her twin girls, Roxana and Tana. They are now 3. We adopted them and love them dearly. I work part time as a waitress and my husband is a mechanic. Alena is now 18 and she's in college. Lacy got pregnant at 15 like me, but unlike my parents we were very supportive and now she has a beautiful two year old girl called Marielle. They have their own apartment and Lacy goes to a high school that allows her to bring Marielle. She'll graduate in November; she plans to go to college and eventually become a registered nurse.

sso what do you think? interesting or not?




  1. I was admiring you so much for having the wisdom at such a young age that your baby needed a home you couldn't provide.  I applaud you for making sure Jeremie had a family with two parents.  Also adopting your nieces was quite heroic.  So you can see how my heart sank to read that you did not want the same stability for your grandchild.  Of course it was not your choice, it was Lacy's, but it's still sad when a baby is robbed of a father.

    Overall, good life story.  So sorry to hear about Dion's first wife.  I'm sure you have made him very happy.

  2. yes it is....OOO

    mine would be too but dont need the world to know everything LOL

  3. :yawn:

    Perpetuating the cycle is sad more than interesting.

  4. Interesting yes but I don't think you need to turn it into a novel.

  5. I believe there is wisdom in the events in your life, and that they offer available realistic alternatives for young teens to consider when making choices.  I believe that you should offer to speak to young girls.  And to young males too.  Stress reproductive responsibility.  No glove no love. However, I do not see it as a manuscript that a publisher will be interested in.

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