
Is my manager going to get a "minor" violation?

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I am 17 and work at Burger King. New Jersey State Law states "No minor under eighteen years of age shall be employed or permitted to work for more than five hours continuously without an interval of at least thirty minutes for a lunch period, and no period of less than thirty minutes shall be deemed to interrupt a continuous period of work." And yesterday I punched out 5 hours and 1 minute after I punched in. Will this one minute get my manager a minor violation? It's so stupid. Thanks.




  1. 1 minute's not a big deal.  Don't worry about it.

  2. Not likely, especially since you have obviously been made of the policy; if anyone would be in trouble, it would be you for violating a directive your manager clearly explained to you and you clocked out late without their knowledge and expressed permission.

    Nearly all places of employment round to the nearest 1/4 hr and if you had clocked out at 5 hrs. 8 mins. it would be an issue; as you clocked out 5 hrs 1 min, it will be rounded down to 5 hrs.

  3. Stop worrying.  This is no biggie.  When I was a teen we had regular pay and envelope pay.  Our illegal "overtime" was marked on a separate card and delivered as cash in an envelope with our weekly pay.  They know loads of people are doing this and they can't even begin to enforce the rules.  One minute on a time clock?  They can't even start to look at those things.  Relax.

    While it was a bit over the line, Jane never exploited us.  She treated us fairly.  

  4. I don't think anyone will be concerned about 1 minute. Don't worry about it.

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