
Is my mom a good mom?

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i've always thought she was the best and good

but then i saw other ppl's moms

this is my mom:

she yells and curses

shes not afraid to say STFU to my 2 year old brother

she calls me bytch atleast once a day

and also my little sisters who are 10 and 9

she lets my brother drink and hes 17

he drinks like a lot but not alchoholic

she lets me drink also and im 14

she kicked me out of the hosue like 3 times and locked me out all night

and she curses a lot

she doesnt cook or get food

and she goes out to party like almost every day

this is my friend's mom:

she never curses

she cleans

she cooks

she dosnt cal her kids bytches and

she gives them money

she makes sure they have good grades

and shes liek perfect

i wish she was my mom

my mom is so mean, and my dad is n ot better

i dont see him that much becuase hes abusive, like physicaly




  1. my mom used to be the same way call me a horrible daughter i called the police. i couldn't take it anymore and since she did all that to me i had no prob calling the poly i felt good about doing it not at all bad. call me what you want

  2. I guess if I had to choose moms, I would choose your friends mom. But we have to deal with  what we are given. As hard as it might be. Have you tried talking to your mom? Sometimes they don't see the errors of their ways. Just talk to her and give her a chance to make things right

  3. it isn't fair to compare but to your defense you're right. but my mom doesn't win the nobel either. she divorced my dad about 3 yrs ago, she got remarried without even asking any of her 3 kids,she is almost 8 months pregnant,and i hate my step brothers which she should have thought about before she got married. and moms usually are nicer 2 your friends when they come over, well thats how she is with them. Oh and she curses at me too and my dad is verbally abusive so hang in there kiddo it'll be fine  

  4. You Mom just sounds frustrated.  Sounds like she has a lot of kids and a husband that isn't much help because like you said, you don't see him much.  Just don't compare the two Moms.  Always know that no matter what your Mom loves you.  It sounds like she couled be better yes, but maybe the other mom doesn't have the same frustrations your mom has.  

  5. I don't think so you should talk to her but don't drink really i mean it your not gonne get a real great future if you drink and ya ok!!:(

  6. Love your mother, we as mothers are not perfect, so who is to say.....

  7. have you sat her down and told her mom can we talk and then you tell her i need tell you whats on my mind and please don't get angry let me finish and then you can comment and if that doesn't work then write her a letter that's what my kids do when they are afraid to tell me something I'm so sorry that your mom is like that but i raised my kids by myself and i make sure to tell them love u everyday yes sometimes i curse but not like that i hope everything works out

  8. get someone to help you.

  9. Wow Sweety you have some serious issues only you and again only you will love your mom for who she is you may need to not compare her too your friends mom but as you continue too get older your going to be able to make decision that will affect your life as well you'll also start your family where you'll be able to set guidelines on what type of mom you'll be then you can make maybe better choices then your mom but just try to love her seems like she has alot on her plate make sure whatever you do stay in school and refuse alcohol it's no good for you you'll have time in life to go that route if you choose  try going out for extra activity in school this will help please no this too shall pass

  10. Regardless of your friends' moms' actions, your mother's are inexcusable and grounds for action from Child Protective Services.   Google "Child Protective Services" and the name of your state.  I don't know where you live, or I would've posted a link for you.  Please call them immediately.  You are not safe.  

  11. Hey sweety,

    It sounds like you have it pretty rough. I would get someone you know involved in this. I don't like to say it and I do believe in family, etc but if she really is this bad then you need to be the one to draw the line. For you and for your brother. Please tell someone at your school, tell social services... someone needs to have a talking with her. If all else fails, call the police and talk to someone there. Sorry hun but those things are not something to just lay down about. This could change the rest of your life. Best of luck and if you need someone to talk to...I'm here.

  12. Your mother is not being responsible AT ALL, she doesn't do c**p for you, or even take care of you. She party's all the time, and doesn't take care of your siblings. None of you should have to grow up in that environment, and she's letting you do whatever you want so she doesn't have to take care of you. I would tell you to call Social Services if you have someone you know who would take care of you and your siblings, but if you don't they will turn you over to the state and your siblings will end up being separated from you and put in foster homes. You seem to be the only one responsible, and mature in that house and should make sure you take care of your sisters and brothers. You need to talk to your mom, and tell her that she needs to start taking care of you all or you'll call the police on her.

  13. as long as she loves u and takes care of you then shes a wonderful mom and u should feel lucky to have one.

  14. Well comparing your mom to your friend's mom, your mom doesn't sound that great. I don't know her personally, so I couldn't judge. But from what you are saying here, she doesn't sound like the best mom out there. I'm sorry you have to go through that with your mom, and dad too.

  15. "she lets me drink also and im 14"

    she could go to jail

    she sounds like a pretty crappy mom to me
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