
Is my mom being a lil harsh? Or is she tryna teach me a lesson? ?

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Ok, well. My mom AND i brought a 10 week old puppy 2 weeks ago (so hes 3monthes old now) We had made and initial schedule on how we would take care of him. Unlike how my mother usually is she didnt follow through on her part leaving me with the full responsible of a 12 week old untrained puppy. I wanted the dog so i can deal with it being my full responsibility (not money wise) Its tough but i can handle it. I take him out every hour so he doesnt GO on the carpet, feed him 3 times a day, walk him, play with him, bathe him...etc all the works this puppy needs to have a succesful life. Well since we got this puppy me and my mother have argued numerous amount of time saying that i "neglect" the dog. Im not quite sure she knows the meaning of neglect. Heres and example of what she says. The dog has made a mess on the floor that i didnt find or forgot to clean up. She finds it "Cheryce come clean up your dogs mess. Your "neglecting" this puppy. Imma take him to the SPCA not for a pick up for a drop off" Why doesnt she understand that hes a puppy hes gonna have accidents. Ok

Well today we had another argument she got home. On the phone i was laying down sleeping. I was hoping she would come up and take the dog and feed him lunch knowing i was tierd. But no she just blabbed on the phone to her best friend. I woke up with his whineing and took him out to use the bathroom and feed him lunch. She tells her friends "Imma call u back let me fuss at Cheryce (thats me)" So she gets off the phone and says why havent you done the dishes, taken out the trash, & why r u still in bed. I fought back saying i was out with the dog every hour, stayed up till like 3 last night with the dog and im just tierd. She then says shes tierd of this **** and blah..

Heres what i want to know. Why is a grown women leaving her 14 year old daughter with a dog and her motherly duties (cooking, cleaning, & stuff) when she sits there and watches CNN(d**n politics) and talks on the phone? Isnt that what children do?

Is this harsh? or am i overeacting? Cuz i know for sure i didnt sign up for ALL this when buying my puppy.

14 Turned 40




  1. You Mom is wicked harsh, Cheryce! I have nothing but sympathy for you. But for the good of your puppy, just learn to take it and like they say about ducks and water, let it roll off your back.

  2. She might be a little harsh.

    "d**n Politics"- I love Politics, I'm working on Ph.D in Political Science right now

  3. She is being a little harsh. But really show her that you are responsible and take care of the dog as much as you can, as well as doing your other house chores. Then she'll get off your back?

  4. Cheryce, we're hearing one side of this story, and I would like to hear mom's version. Could be she was tired too, when you were tired and hoping she would take care of the dog. Seems like all of this happened after the pup came along. Maybe your mom SHOULD take the pup to the SPCA, and perhaps they can find him a home where everyone wants to love and care for him. Pets are a huge repsonsibility. Don't take it out on a little dog because you and your mother are at odds. I'm sorry you are having such an awful time. Your life is the pits.  

  5. Your mom has not been fair to you. I know that you are taking care of the dog properly because you would not know that a pup needs to go every hour, eat three meals a day if you werent being responsible enough to learn these things. Mom on the other hand is being cranky and childish. If both of you had agreed on the shared responsibility, well, she is not living up to her part of the bargain. Some moms, when kids get old enough don't realize that they are taking advantage of their child when wanting them to do all of the work. It's hard to give advice because I cannot tell you to tell mom off, I cannot ask you if you and mom can agree on a schedule of what chores will be yours. I cannot tell you about the dog and mom. She is just looking for a witch hunt and you guys are going to have to work it out.

    Now, for the dog...don't forget, take away the food and water from the pup at six oclock. At bedtime give him a piece of ice to chomp on to wet his whistle...You can give him a piece of ice throughout the evening if you like. NO water and NO food tho...Be sure after every nap he goes directly outside to potty. If he plays instead of potty email me and I will guide you through some different steps. If you want to train him and don't have a me, I don't mind trying to help you on the net if I can....Good Luck and God Bless

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