
Is my mom emotionally abusing me?

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I think my mom is emotionally abusing me. She tells me that she hates me, that I don't matter to her, she doesn't love me, and I don't exist to her. She also tells me that she think I'm going to drop out of high school, get into drugs, ruin my life, and get an STD. I've never done anything like that. I've never done drugs, had s*x, or drank alcohol. I get good grades in school also. I really don't know what to do. Help :(




  1. she isn'tt abusing you theres no such thing as emotional abusethat'ss made up by whingers.

    she may have some issues she has to deal with but once your old enough you can move out and wont have to worry about her.

  2. Yes,she is.That is totally wrong for her to say that to you.I wouldn't suggest talking to her because i don't know how she would react.You should tell a counselor.

  3. I would advise you to talk to another person about it, I would think that if you have a third party involved, they can also talk to her, it's not right for your own mother to treat you so badly.  There is definitely something wrong with her behavior.  She needs help!   In the meantime you'll have to deal with your situation first.   I'm sure there is someone concerned enough about you that can help you.

  4. I am sorry but I do believe she is emotionally abusing you. She is probably trying to fight her own demons but it is no way to fight them. I suggest you talk to someone immediately before it goes further and becomes like physical abuse. You might even want to sit her down and talk to her that if her life is not where she wants it to be then, that is an issue she needs to deal with and not take it out on you. BEST OF LUCK.

  5. yea, she is, tell sum1

  6. Yes, she is.

  7. Well if that is hurting you emotionally then i would deffenitly say that is emotional abuse. Well if your mom doesn't care talk to your dad, or even a school counsler, or a doctor (next time you might be there.) . I was abused mentally, emotionally, and physically by my mother when i was young. I solved it by moving out with my dad (they were divorced.) And to this day I prove my mom wrong every chance that i get! I'm sorry you are dealing with this, it is a very hard situation. Good Luck to you!

  8. Stay strong and don't believe a word she is saying.  She is insecure about you for some reason.

    I too went through this type emotional abuse when I was growing up and unfortunately I believed her.  One day, I said to myself if she is going to accuse me of drugs, s*x and alcohol then by golly I'm gonna do it.  So I experimented.  I didn't like 2 out of the 3 just mentioned :-) so I didn't do it any more.  But what if I had liked drugs or alcohol - - I could have become an addict just because someone pushed me in that direction.

    I'm sorry that you are having to deal with this, but as I first stated, stay strong, don't believe her and do your best to  make good grades, go on to college and do something with your life.  

  9. okay, rachel, your mom has a problem. if she is treating you that way without being provoked, then she needs to get help. she is definitely emotionally abusing you if she stays stuff like that out of the blue. even if you guys are fighting, it's not acceptable for her to say stuff like that. if she makes you feel bad, tell her that she has to stop saying those things. calmly explain to her that it makes you feel bad to hear stuff like that and you want her to knock it off. if she keeps doing it, tell someone like you father or your grandparents or a close adult friend that this is going on and your mom needs help. i hope it gets better. good luck.

    (by the way, we have the same name! that rocks!)

  10. She is...unfortunately... But she can only turn your life h**l if u let her... If u need someone to talk to, email me... You are not alone

  11. well i dont  think she is emotionalyy abussing u i think dhe is just fustrated with something like her job or maybe how you act you should sit down and talk  with her

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