
Is my mom over zealous?

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I am a 17 year old young woman and I have never had many friends in my life except for three(but it didn't last long because they moved). To be honest I have always been kind of a shy person but talkative when I felt like it.

Anyway, so now I am in a new school and tonight I recieved a phone call from a girl. When I greeted her she said that your mom told me that I needed someone to talk to and gave me your phone number. Also asked for my number. The girl sounded like she was confused though. Honestly, I felt like mom may have tried to push a freindship but I don't want that.

I just arrived there and I am obseving the right people to befriend. I feel that I can do this on my own but I feel as though mom is getting in the way. If she does that to a potential boyfriend it will scare him away and I want to make friends the natural way. I know that mom means no harm and only wants what is best for me but is she just a little too zealous?




  1. um just explain to your mom  that you can make friends yourself, but in a nice way, your mom just want BEST for you and she wants you to be happy probably. so dont take it the wrong way. but i understand you .  

  2. i'm sure she means well but you can find friends on your own just be yourself there are other people that are looking for someone just like you

  3. Your mom is just trying to pave a smooth path for you.  I would give the friendship with this girl a try.  It sounds like she may want a friend also.  After all, she called you, right?  I was in a similar situation when I was in highschool.  We moved to a different state, and my dad worked with a guy who had a daughter that was my age.  They forced us together, but it ended up being a good thing.  Instead of going to a school where I knew absolutely no one, I had someone who could show me the "ropes" so to speak.  We never ended up being good friends, but we were always in the same crowd of which many became close friends.  Your mom just wants what is best, and she probably felt that knowing someone would make things easier.  Indulge her and you may be glad you did.

  4. No, It sounds like you are really important to her. Maybe she feels guilty about moving you around to a new school at 17. It is just her way of making your transition to a new school easier. Give her a break and open up to her and let her know that the move is not hindering your ability to fit in. Parents really worry about their kids.

  5. I would let her know that she may be going to far, but I wouldn't completely blow her off. I may be wrong, but I'd guess she is a very social woman, and she's trying to push some of that off on you. If she is you should definitely embrace her help, but let her know there are limits.

    I would be uncomfortable with forced friendships, but she probably doesn't see it like that. She most likely sees you as a good hearted friendly person and thinks people will like you when they are given the chance. You have your own pace, so let her know this. Ask her for help making friends but have her leave the act of pursuing them to you. Don't cut her out completely, though.

  6. yea she is you have to make friends by yourself your moms not always gonna be there to help you out

  7. in a year you will be an adult....unless you ride the short bus to school. im pretty sure you can make your own friends

  8. Just explain this to her. Tell her you're a 17 year old woman who's looking to take on this responsibility. Don't attack her for trying, but be nice and tell her you'd like to make friends on your own. Having your mother coerce people into being your friends is a very odd thing and will start rumors, there's no two ways about it. It's harsh but true. I would just say to her exactly what you typed on here.

  9. Just tell your mom that you are 17 and you want to make friends on your own. She'll understand. Just let her know she's making it harder for you to do, and more awkward. She is just trying to help.

  10. I think that youre mom wanted you too feel better about the new school . I also think she wanted to make sure that you made new friends. But I dont think she should have given the girl youre number that soon to say you needed someone to talk to. So yes, a little zealous. You can deffinately prove youre mom wrong, my breaking out of youre shell by bringing home nice, new friends and being social. I think she did it because she cared, but you know moms these days haha =)

    good luck w/ the new school !  

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