
Is my mom right?!? please help me understand!?

by Guest64064  |  earlier

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My mom thinks i am ADD and idk if i am.. my neighbors and stuff think i am to. i am 13.. what happens if i am? what are symptoms for ADD??

please dont laugh i have had a bad day!




  1. No one can say you are or are not an ADD person without a specialist in ADD testing you.  Anyone that says you are or are not without the schooling and degrees in the field are not competent to give you any diagnosis.  If your parents think you might be, ask to get tested and prove it one way or the other.  Any one else's opinion is about as useful as so much fertilizer (no disrespect is intended for anyone on here--these people care).  Get tested, then breathe again until the results are in.  No biggie

  2. you can have add, and its better to know about it. Having add can affect your work and your school because people with add have a short attention span. You can have yourself tested so that you can get meds. They really help and you will be glad you found out about this in time. My sister who is 26 just recently found out she has add and she would have wanted to know this way earlier.

    Don't feel ashamed, or embarrassed, it is not something you did wrong, and you will feel so much better when you have he right meds. :)

  3. are you antsy, cant sit still, cant concentrate, are misunderstood, ask your mom to see your doctor to get a diagnosis for sure

  4. these are the symptoms:

    The 3 primary characteristics of ADD / ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The signs and symptoms a child with ADD / ADHD has depends on which characteristics predominate. Children with ADD / ADHD may be:

    Which one of these children may have ADD / ADHD?

       1. The hyperactive boy who talks nonstop and can’t sit still.

       2. The quiet dreamer who sits at her desk and stares off into space.

       3. Both A and B

    The correct answer is “C.”

        * Inattentive, but not hyperactive or impulsive.

        * Hyperactive and impulsive, but able to pay attention.

        * Inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive (the most common form of ADHD).

    The signs and symptoms of ADD / ADHD typically appear before the age of 7. However, it can be difficult to distinguish between ADHD and normal “kid behavior.” If you spot just a few signs, or the symptoms appear only in some situations, it’s probably not ADD / ADHD.

    On the other hand, if your child shows a number of disruptive ADD / ADHD signs and symptoms that are present across all situations–at home, at school, and at play–it’s time to take a closer look. One good way to assess your child’s behavior is to look at other kids his or her age. If your child is significantly more impulsive, hyperactive, or inattentive than his or her classmates or friends, it’s a good idea to see a mental health professional for an ADHD evaluation.

    Inattentive signs and symptoms of ADD / ADHD

    Symptoms of inattention in children:

        * Doesn’t pay attention to details or makes careless mistakes

        * Has trouble staying focused; is easily distracted

        * Appears not to listen when spoken to

        * Has difficulty remembering things and following instructions

        * Has trouble staying organized, planning ahead, and finishing projects

        * Frequently loses or misplaces homework, books, toys, or other items

    Children with ADD / ADHD can pay attention under the right circumstances. When they’re doing things they enjoy or hearing about topics in which they’re interested, they have no trouble focusing and staying on task. For example, children with ADHD may have no problem paying attention when playing a favorite game or listening to a story (The hard part may be pulling them away to the next activity). But when the task is repetitive or boring, they quickly tune out.

    Not paying close enough attention is another common problem. Children with ADD / ADHD often bounce from task to task without completing any of them, or skip necessary steps in procedures. Organizing their schoolwork and their time is harder for them than it is for most children. They also tend to be easily distracted. Kids with ADD / ADHD have trouble concentrating if there are things going on around them; they usually need a calm, quiet environment in order to sustain attention.

    Children who only have inattentive symptoms of ADD / ADHD are often overlooked, since they’re not disruptive. However, the symptoms of inattention have consequences: getting in hot water with parents and teachers for not following directions; underperforming in school; and clashing with other kids over not playing by the rules.

    Hyperactivity signs and symptoms of ADD / ADHD

    Symptoms of hyperactivity in children:

        * Constantly fidgets and squirms

        * Often leaves his or her seat in situations where sitting quietly is expected

        * Moves around constantly, often running or climbing inappropriately

        * Has difficulty playing quietly

        * Talks excessively

        * Is always “on the go,” as if driven by a motor

    The most obvious sign of ADD / ADHD is hyperactivity. While many children are naturally quite active, kids with hyperactive symptoms of ADD / ADHD are always moving. They may try to do several things at once, bouncing around from one activity to the next. Even when forced to sit still–which can be very difficult for them–their foot is tapping, their leg is shaking, or their fingers are drumming.

    Impulsivity signs and symptoms of ADD / ADHD

    Symptoms of impulsivity in children:

        * Blurts out answers without waiting to be called on hear the whole question

        * Has difficulty waiting for his or her turn

        * Often interrupts others

        * Intrudes on other people’s conversations or games

        * Inability to keep powerful emotions in check, resulting in angry outbursts or temper tantrums

    The impulsivity of children with ADD / ADHD can cause problems with self-control. Because they censor themselves less than other kids do, they’ll interrupt conversations, invade other people’s space, ask irrelevant questions in class, make tactless observations, and ask overly personal questions. Children with impulsive signs and symptoms of ADD / ADHD also tend to be moody and to overreact emotionally. As a result, others may start to view the child as disrespectful, weird, or needy.

    can you answer my question please!THANKS SO MUCH! xD

  5. mothers always right dear lol


    hows about she take you to the doctors?


    try that link it should explain everything to you

    if you are then they can put you on medication to counteract it so you get a better life

  7. No, you're 13. Thirteen-year-olds are hyperactive. Personally, I don't believe in ADD or ADHD. Good luck.

  8. A good spot to go would be and in the search box type in adolescent ADD symptoms it will poll it up for you. Hope that helps a little!

  9. Read the wikipedia link above.  If you have ADD there is medicine for it. You wouldn't believe how many people have this condition. Having ADD does not mean that you are stupid. Remember that. If I recall, Einstein was ADD and he was a genius.

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