
Is my moon overly active now ??? please help?

by  |  earlier

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I have moon in pisces in the 6th for those of you who dont know that.

Some regulars in here have some idea about what aspects I have and what questions I have been asking ( sorry mercury, venus and mars are currently conjunct my ASC , this accounts for my return and series of questions )

Anyway , lately I have been asking questions about saturn/capricorn and their aspects a lot because I am having this increasingly irrational worries for my friends. Basically both of them have mercury conjunct saturn , my dear one also has sun conjunct saturn, and the other ( my good friend ) has saturn opposition moon.

Just today, an australian actor jumped to his death after a long time battling with depression , immediately after I heard the news,just like an instinctive reaction , I checked his chart, and there he had saturn conjunct his sun and opposite his moon.

Then , I thought about these 2 TV personalities that also killed themselves last year ( and they looked perfectly fine on TV , all smiling ) after losing the battle to depression to. So I checked their charts . One has saturn square mercury and the other has moon conjunction saturn.

And I complete freaked out.......its like I am actively calling for these aspects to come appearing in my face and I am very worried for my friends........I know this is irrational......and probably because of my receptive pisces moon...But better be safe than sorry, and my continous encounter/befriending with saturn-influenced people which I already told in my other question didnt help with my worries either.

What can I do ? Am I worrying too much ? Lol...I am going nuts here... because I dont wanna lose a good friend and the love of my life .

Stupid mercury, venus and mars transit conjunct my ASC making me sleepless and making my brain feel like its gonna explode

Sorry this is not even an astro question...




  1. Hey buddy don't worry about it too much..your going to end up like me...a worrying freak!! ...jk

    why did we end up with pisces moon? ugh

  2. my moon is always's a leo moon, so naturally : D

  3. Hi, guy.

    I have to agree with may be just a bit empathetic right now to the emotions flowing around you...

    When you have this type of "immersion", it's hard to be objective. Please turn off the tv and pick up a good book of poetry, or something that will show you that the world is not all chaos...

    Let the waves settle. Blessings and love to you.

  4. Yeah...

    Astrological note: The Moon is in Leo right now and it will probably be conjunct your Mercury sooner or just step back, take a breath and don't scream until you can actually see a corpse or something :P

  5. hey mate..your moon in pisces in the 6th is overly emphasizing..

    Please take some step backward..

    Just noticed your question but have to go now..

    Please you are NOT a freak !!!!! You are normal !! Some people will consider bizarre but pay no attention.

    I do not follow the news myself...just full of drama, sad stories etc..

    ahhh take care !!!!


    Just consider yourself a bit oversensitive ???

    I have venus in scorpio in the 6th.......but learnt to distance myself.

    Hey please take care buddy...switch channels or something. There are lots of Australians !! you do not know what their private life was........they just reflected an image.

    Please stop it and do not worry..........

    Maybe those Saturn questions were there to help you to harden up a bit. Meeting people with saturnian influences and all that, bringing you down to earth and have more objective perspectives.

    Well maybe am one of them : with mercury in Capricorn..please quiet your mind, distance yourself, harden up a bit without becoming a robot, take some rest. Your emotions have really taken a sorry. Please let go of your fears.....ahhh sheesh do not know what to say to you buddy.

    I do not believe in coincidences.....please consider : how are you going to act as a good doctor later on ?? you will have to take some distance otherwise your soul will be affected by all the traumas that people experience.......( just a thought here).

    Please sleep are just going through a bad phase like everybody else.

    Take care again......but please follow it up if you are so bothered about it..........people can reach from various continents.


  6. Awwee Ryan, please don't worry and try to get some rest

    Seems like everyone is going through something lately and its sad to see that. I could see your concern though, you have a very good intuition and that makes you worry even more. But I'm sure things will work out somehow

    I'll be sending you and your saturn friend my positive energy I hope he knows that he's lucky to have a friend like you

  7. awwwh Ryan - I'm so sorry to hear about your worries; and yes, you are worrying too much.  You are letting this new found knowledge complicate your life, and if you don't get a handle on it, you will have it dictating your life.  It is not for that purpose.  That moon in Pisces gives you a bit of an edge in sensing things, especially those you care about - some may call it "psychic," so you have to be careful not to let a good thing become a scary thing for you.  Your love will be okay!

    Go to bed now, sweet dreams, honey.

  8. Hi Ryan,

    Transitting Saturn is opposing your Moon right now.  It'll be dead on in another week.  Hopefully things will let up a little bit after that.  Good luck!

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