
Is my mother's hormonal imbalance genetic? TTC...

by Guest65323  |  earlier

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She is in her early 40's now, and her doc put her on extra progesterone for her PMS, which is bad. I seem to have the same horrible PMS, and I know my hormones get out of whack. I'm beginning to get my periods back on track after Depo for 2 years, and they are 32CD...I usually start to feel PMSness right when I start ovulating.

My mother also has a bicornuate uterus, which wasn't known until well after her three children were born. My mom didn't know she was pregnant with me for three months because she had her "period". I think this was decidual bleeding, since that can be caused by a hormonal imbalance. I was also born footling breach, and they broke my femur on my way out via C-section. My little brother has cerebral palsy and was born three months premature.

So my question again, could these things be genetic? I am finally at a point in my life where we are TTC, but I'd like to get to know my hormones, and the risks that come with any imbalances.

Any help would be great!!




  1. Unfortunately it may very well be genetic. You should see a doctor for blood work and ultrasounds to see if you need any treatment.

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