
Is my mother crazy for being scared all the time?

by Guest34338  |  earlier

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My mother refuses to come over to see me (oldest of her 5 daughters, rest of the kids are still living at home) and her only grandchild because she "can't drive on highways" it makes her "scared". Yesterday, she just told me that she won't fill her gas tank on her Highlander up more than half a tank because she's "afraid that someone will siphon her gas and they aren't getting my full tank!" I could go on .. but these are the most recent examples.




  1. Has she ever been diagnosed with any kind of medical disorder maybe she should get some help with this . my mom used to be the same . but maybe her kinds are driving her to the limit?

  2. It doesn't sound like your mother is crazy, but it does sound like she may have a psychological condition that could benefit from talking to a doctor.  For example, she may simply be phobic.  Phobia means an "irrational fear."  She may have generalized anxiety disorder or she may be obsessive/compulsive and obsessing about issues other people find quite harmless.  Only a skilled professional can make the determination whether or not your mother could benefit from medication or therapy.  Being scared all the time is a terribly limiting way to live, however, so encourage her to talk to a doctor if you possibly can.  She is missing out on a lot if she is so afraid she won't even come over to see her grandchild.

  3. Many people are scared of these things with gas prices and other people driving!

    But seriously, if she has a phobia, she may want to consider seeing a therapist. No one here is qualified to give you any information.

    Sometimes as people grow older, they do get nervous behind the wheel. I'm 27 years old and have been driving for 8 years now. There are days when I just don't feel like driving and find excuses.

  4. many people suffer from different types of fears, they may seem irrational to you but to your mother the fears she has are as real as you standing in front of an oncoming lorry, mental illness is as real an illness as is a broken bone. people with mental problems often get ignored or overlooked simply because there is nothing to see. please be patient with her and try to read up on mental illnesses.

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