
Is my nail going to fall off?

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I have been worrying for about 2 weeks now although i have been known to worry about problems which arent serious. 2 weeks ago i was picking my smallest toe nail when i was noticing it was completely peeling off from the side but i only peeled off about less than a quartre but the funny thing was it was painless and it looked like i could easily peel the whole nail off and nothing would happen. but anyway the rest was completely attatched and i dident actually take any nail off but 2 weeks later it seems the area that was i was trying to peel off looks compltely hollow and its not touching the skin so its a whitey, yellowy colour i hope my nails not fall off and if it does will it grow back if it does all my worrys are gone and i can relax and im not worryied if it will be painful im just worried about losing my nail and never getting it back?




  1. Don't worry it  sounds like you have a nail fungus of some sort, you'll be ok. My big toe nail fell off last year. I was dancing and my husband accidentally kicked my toe. It took about 6-8 months to grow, so don't worry it will grow back. Give it some time and anyways sandal season is almost over =).

  2. i might not fully understand the question so if a give a vague answer its only bc i might not understand the question......

    when i was in 3rd or 4th grade i banged my toenail into a toenail turned purple and started peeling from the night i just ripped it grew back about a week later.... it was pretty painless

    whatever you have your toenail will grow back........ unless you die.... the nothing is going to grow back.....  

  3. Well,its sounds as though you have a fungal infection..and, yes, you might lose the nail, but it will grow back over time. It might be an idea to visit your G.P. for some anti fungal, or antibiotic cream to help clear up any infection. In the meantime, keep the area clean and dry, and try and let the air get to it as much as possible

    this sort of thing is often caaused by wearing trainers a lot. Its a good idea , if possible to leave your trainers off every other day, to help them to 'dry out'. also, invest in some cotton sock which will healp the feet to breathe.

  4. you probably bruised your toe a while ago..i get them all the time from playing tennis because my toes jam into the front of my sneakers when i stop short

    the nail will probably fall off eventually, but only because a new nail is growing out which pushes the old injured nail out..  but if you dont see a new nail growing i would go see a doctor.. otherwise you should be fine

  5. It sounds like a fungal infection.  Get lacquer from pharmacy.  Unfortunately unless its a rather bad fungal infection the doctor will not prescribe tablets for it as they tend to have some bad side effects.  It most likely will grow back (unless you have damaged the nail plate by picking at it)

  6. just leave it alone. it should grow back. don't worry about it unless it looks REALLY bad. if it does it could be infected or something. if you are really worried, go to the doctor. my dad accidentally hammered his big toe and it got all bloody so he drilled a tiny hole in it to let the blood out. its now al blackish-blueish.  now half of it is new nail(the bottom half) and the top half is the blue old nail. the new one is growing in and when it is grown all the way the blue part will fall off. i don't think anything could look as bad as that!

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