
Is my name weird?what do you think of it.?

by Guest60748  |  earlier

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my name is Biren, its indian and it means warlord....pronounced beeren




  1. you could rename it, what about 'jesus', that's quite popular these days?

  2. My friend, weird names are the best names. =)

  3. its better than thomas...

    mines a bit unoriginal.

    But Biren is quite a cool name, espically if it means warlord.

    thomas means twin, which is a complete lie

  4. I like it. Never heard it before, which is even cooler. :)

  5. I don't think is weird... its unique ...  

  6. No, your name's fine.  There's nothing wrong with it.  You should see my name! hahaha it took me up until I was about 17 to be able to pronounce my whole name properly lol.  I won't type it in here though for safety reasons.  It's in Tongan.

  7. No, that's a sweet name.


  9. yea its weird

  10. no it sound cool

  11. At least you are not named after your parents favorite snack like gwyneth paltrow did with apple. your name is not weird or unique, because unique is a nice way of saying weird. It will just be a pain telling people how to pronounce it, but it is better than the same old name like john or ashley.

  12. I like it...don't worry about the origin of the name..doesn't mean your destiny is bleak and evil..I think it is always awesome when someone has a rare name, it makes them more of an individual, be proud..I have a son named Bricker and everyone thought it was kind of weird at first but he is 11 now and it fits him perfectly as I'm sure yours fits you.  Can you imagine your name being anything else?

  13. its ok, i've seen weirder indian names, urs is fine

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