
Is my neighor responsible for vet bills after he shot my cat on his property

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Is my neighor responsible for vet bills after he shot my cat on his property




  1. I am a cat parentr myself and I feel terrible that someone shot ur baby. But like most people are saying the law may not punish him because like u said YOUR cat was on HIS property. Though I dont believe what he did was right their might be nothing u can do.  

  2. YES! Cats dont understand the difference between whos property is whos. He had NO right what so ever shooting it. Its not like it was harming him or his property. I would also see if you can get him up on animal abuse charges. Theres no reason he had to shoot a adorbale thing. Think about it cats get all the mice and rodents away. Why wouldnt he want that?

    He deff should be paying for the bill. As long as the cat wasnt harming anything of his there was no reason he should of shot it.

    I hope your cat is ok! ):

    sorry to hear about your bad news.

    I hope your neighboor pays for it. He seems like a @ss.

  3. That is a terrible thing to do.Yes I would think he is responsible.Maybe I'm wrong, if you look into it I'm sure you will find out though.

    HOPE I HELPED                ;-O

    Clicks :)

  4. Unfortunately, I don't think he's responsible since your cat was on his property.  It would be another story if the cat had been on your property.  Do you have proof he shot the baby?  You could take him to small claims court, but I don't know if you'd win or not.  Sorry..........

  5. YEAHH!!!!! even though it was on his property he shot it! he needs to pay!

  6. It all depends on what your state/province laws are if he will be responsible for the vet bills. You might be able to have him charged with cruelty to animals. But again, all depends on your local laws.  

  7. You should have had the police called on him to make it legal that he pay the vets bills, however, when you allow your cat to roam around this is the risk that you take...please keep your cat indoors BUT call the police and make it a report then it will be legal that you can collect for the vet bills

  8. Check with your city regarding your local bylaws. Some places cats

    are allowed to roam and some they aren't.If he claims that your cat

    pooped on his lawn or whaever he will have to prove it was your cat.

    If cats are allowed to roam I would sue his butt off.

  9. No. It's your responsibility to keep your cat on your own property. Your neighbor shouldn't have shot the cat, but he's entitled to do so. If your cat had left your property and been hit by a car or attacked by another animal you would have to pay the vet bills. This is no different.  

  10. Yes. because there are other ways to get your cat off his property he doesn't have to shoot it and i do think he should of used a gun he should of threw rocks instead of hurting the cat.

  11. Cat owners need to learn some responsibility. Keep your animals at home. If I wanted a cat I'd have one - and I don't want yours. I don't blame him  - I keep my dogs at home and you cat people should do the same.

    So you want to sue him because you don't take responsibility for your cat? I rest my case. Take responsibility for the animals you allow to roam and hinder others.

    Neighbor is not too smart or he'd have kept you from knowing he shot your cat.  

  12. umm..what the heck? why did your neighbor shoot your cat? Assuming it was just a domestic house cat (not like a tiger or something) then you can file a police report or call your local SPCA and they will help you take action against him. (unless he was somehow justified like if your cat was harming him or one of his family members/pets) He should have to pay for the bills you can take him to small claims court if he refuses.

  13. Nope, it was on his property. Here's one of the many reasons why it's best to keep your cats indoors.

  14. No, I'm afaraid not.  

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