
Is my new kitten sick? Vets?

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His stools have been getting softer and softer over the last two days and are now quite gooey, though not proper liquid.

He is nine weeks old and we've only had him five days. We're feeding him the same foods he was used to, although perhaps a little more wet food. No milk, plenty of water. And he is wormed.

He's still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and playing, eating and sleeping as normal.

Should I worry or will it sort itself out? We're going to the vet on Monday for his jabs anyway but I don't want it to keep getting worse.




  1. sometimes when a kitten is adopted they get a little stressed by the change and it effect their bowels, as long as things seem normal, i wouldnt stress. if things get worse, then i would call a vet. but if things are as normal i would mention something to the vet on mon. just as a pre-caution, they might want a stool sample.  good luck.

  2. I wouldn't change his food totally-try half and half dry and wet food, as new food should always be introduced gradually so as not to upset their digestion. it could be the stress of coming to a new home that's upset his tummy a bit-if there's any doubt about his health the vet wont do his vaccinations on Monday, so it really depends what happens over the next few days-if he gets worse at least you have an appointment on Monday

  3. Anytime we give our cats canned food as a treat they get yucky poops.  Don't even get me started when my husband leaves the cereal bowl on the counter...

    I would stop the wet food and stick with dry kitten chow and plain water.  If he is not acting lethargic, or otherwise icky I would think a-ok.

  4. The wet food in itself will do that!!!  No more wet food!!!!  Take him off of it until he gets back to a normal bowel movement.  Your vet, if they're any good, will tell you the same thing. Add a home change to that, tack on some extra stress and voila!  You've got soft stool.

    P.S. I just placed a stray kitten into a great home tonight and miss him already!!  Give yours a big hug and kiss for me! :(

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