
Is my nose ring infected???

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my nose has a small bump around the piercing

but it doesn't hurt

even when i clean it

is it just swollen or an infection

if it is infected what do i do

im freakin out!

and paranoid




  1. My sister had that happen when she got her cartalige pierced and it was just because it was swollen a little bit. Just keep cleaning it and you shouldn't have to worry about an infection.

  2. its just the "bump" contuine to clean but limmit its moving for a while and should go down.

    Make sure to use a sea salt soak on it 2 times a day you can make it three. Also do a hot compress once a day to help.

  3. its fine as along as you keep cleaning... sea saly cleaner called h2 ocean is great.... if itdoesnt go down ... maybe you should change your ring to a 14k gold one.. sometimes its your body reacting to the nickel.(this happened to me ) I hope all is well ...

  4. it could be a keyloid, which some people get around their peircings, its not an infection, its just something they get. Google it and see if thats what you have. If not, just clean the peircing no more than 3 times a day, with soap and water atleast once. And do not touch it unless you have just immediately washed your hands. Make sure your turning it after you clean it and remove excess crust.  

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