
Is my nose that big???there are pics?

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I know that my nose is not small.Just wanted to know if it is medium sized or nose is the thing i hate the most...The shiny stuff on my nose is a nose piercing...Is my nose that fat???Or just medium sized...i want honest answers...




  1. It doesnt look big to me, but its hard not seeing your whole face because maybe you have a small face and so your nose would look bigger than on a larger faced get me?!

  2. no your nose is not big but we can't see it in relation to your face   and real beauty is on the the inside not out,it's a shame the first things men look at are b***s bums and legs,it's about time us men starting looking at you as a person and not a body to pluck  

  3. It is difficult to guage when you cannot see the nose on a face but I do not see it as a large one, therfore I say small, final answer.

  4. Your nose is just fine. Not big, not small. Medium.

    It's fine

    That is my honest answer.  


  5. You can't tell just from the nose pics. You need to back up the camera so we can compare the size of your nose to the rest of your face. But it looks okay to me from just those pics.

  6. Your nose is absolutely normal, don't be so petty ;)

  7. I don't think your nose is big. I think it is medium sized. Don't worry about it!

  8. Your nose looks quite pretty to me but without a picture of your whole face I cannot comment as I would need to see how it looks when compare with the rest of your face

  9. You need a pic with your entire face.. so that it would be compared to  how it looks on you

    and umm it looks fine to me from the pics that you have provided

  10. Can't really tell from those pics. I'd need to see the whole of your face to see the proportions.

    I mean, you might have a tiny little pea-shaped head, in which case your nose would be big!

  11. No it's not big, it's nicely proportioned

  12. well we have to see a picture of your whole face to be able to tell. it could be too big for your face or it could be just right

  13. We need a pic that would show your nose compared to the rest of your face's size.

  14. your nose if fine. stop obsessing. answer mine;...

  15. you have absolutely got to be a young girl/woman to actually be uptight enough to hate your nose, which looks perfectly normal.When I was in my teens/twenties there were things about myself  which I hated, I thought I'd thin lips, I  worried about spots, I hated my babyfine straight hair, the list goes on. Then I got to my mid 20's and realised that I looked perfectly normal. You will also grow out of this insecure phase, we all do!!!!! Hope you don't have a jealous friend who makes negative comments to undermine your confidence???? If so, ditch her, on the other hand if its wee brothers you can only ever expect insults from them, I did!!!!

  16. I wouldn't worry, that can be cured with modern plastic surgery techniques. It may cost you but it will be worth it.

  17. No, your nose is not that big, I've seen bigger. But if you really don't like the size of it, you can do things with your eyes using make-up to put the attraction on them, instead of your nose.

  18. no its medium sized

  19. Its too hard to answer without seeing a full face shot.  I need to see the rest of your face to have something to compare it too.

  20. To see whether a nose is big or not it has to be compared with something, i.e the rest of your face. So there is no way of telling.

  21. Kinda hard too say, would be better to see your whole face!

    But i think you have a cute little button nose!!

    Stop worrying xx

  22. DANG!!!! Get some plastic surgery for that huge nose, no you can't even call it a nose its too big......... are you human?!?!?!?

  23. It is hard to tell.  you need to post a picture that shows your nose in relation to your face for us to judge the size.  

  24. Your nose is medium sized.

  25. Your nose isnt big, but you should put a whole face picture on so we can see your whole face!!

  26. LOL us women even asking if our noses are fat

    no you have a perfect nose haha

    and ive never known anybody to just take a pic of there nose haha

  27. it doesn't look big but it's hard to tell because we can't see it in proportion to your other facial features so it's hard to determine if it's big on your face.  

  28. hello, i think your nose looks good, its not a bad nose at all, i thought i was going to see you had a concorde but hey don't .why do you feel so bad about your nose? its a great nose... love the skin your in..if not get saving!! [you have a great nose]

  29. It's hard to tell if your nose is too big without your entire face being shown. You could have a balloon head for all we know, which would make your nose appear really small...Without your entire face, we have no reference to work with...

  30. no its a great size not big not small.this is great cause if its to small its a bit odd and if its huge then its embarrassing but medium is great!!  :)

  31. Noses are the central point on our faces :)  They are allowed to be unique.  Noses can identify us with geographic areas, they can be genetically similar to those in our family thereby creating ties to each other, or they can just be an eye sore.  Your nose does not seem too big.  You did not give us a side view?  Do you have a hook or hawk type nose?  I think if your nose has a functional problem or obvious defect, you should get it fixed IF it bothers you.  From the pics, your nose seems fine.  I suggest trying to find the root of your insecurities and deal with things from that aspect.  

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