
Is my p***s big for my age (please help )?

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I am 14 years my p***s is 7 inches but i have been told its big for my age but i don't no if it is i don't no much about this stuff




  1. Are yoiu bragging or complaining?  It's just a wee bit above average so don't let your head swell up too much.

  2. thats huge buddy, but hopefully your not one of these kids on here for curiosity with a bad sense of measurement.  I have ten inches erect, im 16, 6 feet, and a highschool senior.  My friends joked bout my having a horomone problem, "i dont" im a normal guy, and well i was around ur size then, so just hope u dont grow bigger, cause big p***s's cause big problems, they feel gross cause of all the work, and you cant get an erection.  ive said before people are like this are because of all the product horomone around, fast food, and processed goods. Random and Rare, and "sorry " lol but self fornication is essentially impossible.  And you then end up with over spermage balls like a bull, in some cases, i dont lol but it can happen

  3. it's very nice, average full grown man only has 6 inches. your bigger than most guys.  

  4. You must have a big head too.

  5. I so would not complain the girls will love it hehe!!

  6. wowww haha thats not a bad thing.

  7. Don't sweat it.

    You're fine.

  8. A bit small.  Most 14 year olds on this forum claim to have 8 inches.

  9. It seems there is no "normal" size, and it very much depends on whether you have hit puberty or not - it can range from 2in to more than 6in, which is a big difference, but anything 2in plus is normal!

    Wikipedia says the average MENS p***s size is 5.1-5.9 in. "While results vary across studies, the consensus is that the average human p***s is approximately 12.9–15 cm (5.1–5.9 in) in length"

    All in all, you're never gonna be at the low end of the scale, well done you!! This Wikipedia page has lots more info on p***s size and info on accurately measuring:

    I found this on WikiAnswers:

    The average p***s size for a 14 year old is about 4 inches. HOWEVER, the age at which puberty typically begins is anywhere between 10 and 15 years old. So the p***s size for a 14 year old can range from prepubertal (About 2 inches) to Adult (6+ inches). At 14 years old it would be normal to have a p***s anywhere in that range.

    Also may be of interest to you is this from

    Question: I am 14 years old and my p***s is 4 1/2 inches long and 1 inch wide. Is this the correct size for my age? All the other boys in my class have hair under their arms and I have only got a little bit. Am I developing late for my age?

    Answer: It may seem hard to understand, but there really is not a correct size for the p***s solely based on your age. As you have noted, some of the boys in your class are very far along in their development. This does not necessarily mean that there is something wrong with you. Boys can begin their pubertal changes as young as 9, but some boys don't start until 14, and all of that is considered normal.

    The first change that is usually seen in puberty is an increase in the size of the testes. After the testes begin to enlarge, the p***s will start to grow in size and length. Testosterone is the hormone that contributes to the growth of the p***s, and it is produced by the growing testes. In adult men, the average p***s length is about 5 inches (stretched out), but can range from 3 + to 6 + inches.

    Hair under the arms and in the pubic area starts at about the same time as the testes start to grow, but the whole process isn't complete for years. The fact that you have some hair under your arms indicates that some pubertal changes have started, which is reassuring. You should also notice that your testes have gotten larger. If they have not, then it would be a good idea for you to ask your parents to take you to see your doctor. Your doctor can examine you and talk with you further about whether your puberty is proceeding normally.

    Hope that clears things up a little, and nobody's going to complain about a 7in p***s! :)

  10. yeah you should be like...4 in

    but maybe is not too bad =)

  11. lol tis good size not ridiculosly big but nice big be proud of him and treat him well :P may even get larger as you grow older but all will be well aslong as it is reasonable size (in your case definatly) its how you use it that counts :P

  12. well that is sorda big but im guessing it wont grow much more so dont worrie!

  13. Oh my lord.

  14. Na thats tiny!

  15. Not that big ,

    for a 14 yr old horse  

  16. You are 14 and asking the internet.Stop playing games and talk to mommy!Or state your real age or real size.

  17. you're not supposed to measure from your ********* y'know

  18. Im 14 2 and mine is bout 6.8 in. It doesnt matter how big it is, its how u use it d;  

  19. u dont have a 7 inch p***s u havent even hit puberty have u

  20. the average age for an adult is 5-6 inches, so typically a 14 y/o will be a bit smaller, or around that size.

    so yes, you are big for your age.

  21. you mean you wish it was 7".


  22. Stop bragging and enjoy it.  Incidentally the average size for an adult male in the UK is 6.5 inches, whereas for Italian blokes it's 5.5inches.

    As for far eastern men, they usually weigh in at 5 inches.

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