
Is my period coming soon?(NO DUDES, ONLY DUDETTES!)?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I'm a teen, and I don't have my period yet.

I've been having discharge for a few months now,

and I've been feeling really tired, and worn out,

but I haven't done anything outta the ordinary.

And I have cramps, and stuff.

Is it coming SOON?

Like can you gimme kinda a date, like a few months, weeks, ect.?




  1. I would think it's coming soon.

    Maybe next week, maybe next month. But not too long.

    Make sure you're prepared!

  2. You can't give dates. Your body is ready when its ready, you can't rush it but it sounds like it will be here soon. Be prepared with a spare pair of knickers and some pads in your school bag, discharge can go on for like a year but because your having cramps I would say it is on its way soon. Being tired out has nothing to do with periods I don't think. Don't rush this time away, periods aren't that great!

  3. there really is no way to know. : ( sorry. i'm almost 14 and i haven't started yet.

    give it time. some girls get it when they're 8 and some when they're 18.

    carry a couple of pads and spare pants with you at school. (or keep 'em in your locker) just to be sure.

    hope this helps!

  4. Hi there,

    those symptoms could be the ones but not necessarily , it is an individual thing. when it will come nobody can tell you , it WILL JUST SURPRISE YOU . the first ones always do. so you have to stay on alert.

    Good luck

  5. Well, you're probably gonna have it soon.... As ppl already told you, you can never know specific date when is it happening... But don't worry! my first period was when i was in school, and it was not that much blood, i wasn't feeling well so i went home and it didn't even get on my jeans! So just chill : you'll know when it's coming trust me when i had mine, i felt.... Ugh... You'll know :)))))))

  6. it could be. but it doesnt sound like it. just because your tired and worn out doesnt mean you are going to start your period.

  7. The signs expressed are generally felt by every girl before attaining her menarche. And it may be soon!

  8. Nobody cant give you a date except Mother Nature {but you know it might be kinda hard to talk to her;), lol}. But I do know that you are getting it soon. Congratulations! Make sure you are prepared for it so that you wont have any problems. Good luck!:D

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