
Is my piercing being rejected?

by  |  earlier

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i have a surface piercing below my belly button and like a month ago i bumped it 2 times pretty bad in one day (very bad day for me!!!) ever since then my piercing is always red and little bump next to the hole of the piercing. i clean it daily so I'm guessing its being rejected. and if it is being rejected, is there anything special i need to do to keep the area from getting infected when i take the piercing out?




  1. if you can start to see the bar through your skin, it's definitely rejecting. Keep babying it, and if you can see the bar through your skin, take it out to avoid unnecesarry scarring.

  2. nooo... Dont do anything. dont take it out or anything. Just leave it alone. Mine did that. I bumped it a couple times and I think I ripped it. your body isnt rejecting the ring. Its just sore from bumping it. Mine had a red bump beside the hole as well. Just take it out in the shower. And clean it. then put it back in when you get out. I did this to mine. just leave it alone. It will heal. I promise. Mine looks so much better now.

  3. i think you should take it out. or maybe it's just the type of jewelry that you are using. you might be allergic to it. My sisters belly ring ripped out one day out of no where. it's like the ring was pushing out on it's own. maybe your piercing is infected. i think you should take it out. let it heal then re pierce it again.

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