
Is my podcast "professional"?

by  |  earlier

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I need to know because I'm going to submit it as my coursework (media)





  1. No its not. I'm listening to it right now and the main problem alot of people new to radio make is they speak into a microphone the same way they would speak to another person. If you do this, it makes you sound half-awake and thus will put your audience to sleep. Your show sounds a bunch of guys goofing around in their basement, it doesn't sound like a real radio show.

    When you're on-the-air, you need to REALLY speak into the microphone and speak with alot of energy. Most DJ's you hear don't speak on the air the same way they speak in person. If they did, you would think they were insane. To someone listening at home,though, it sounds normal.

    Your show also has no organization, you're all over the place. The audience doesn't know you, so you can't have any inside jokes. The only way an audience is going to follow what you is if you plan out the show and split it up into segments. Listen to Chris Moyles or Howard Stern: they are always talking about one subject at a time and have a plan for where they want to take the show next. Without that, the show is a convoluted mess and noone will want to listen. This is what your podcast is now.

    You guys certainly have personality, you just need to organize it and make a show someone will actually want to listen to. I don't want to hear three guys in their mother's basement, I want to hear professionals who are prepared and ready to entertain. Give it another shot!

  2. Wow, this is a big file(5 megs).. took too long to download.... how about a shorter 90 second trial podcast to get a feel for the show. Good luck in the class.


  3. I would LOVE to listen to episode 2 and give you an answer - despite having no clue what your podcast is about.

    However, I can't play MP4. MP3 is the way forward - you can take that EVERYWHERE, unlike an MP4.

    sorry. If you convert to MP3 though I'll give you some feedback/tips/comments.

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