
Is my poem worthy of being published

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Do comment on my poem. Muchos Gracias!

Sprinkle of Sarkastika

I felt a feeling massive, hung

Built in strength from inside my lung

Travelled up from my bowels

It made me secrete these majestic vowels

Onto the white space of paper

To be lost into poems coming later

The tip of feathers caressed in ink

My thoughts are arches that I must link

Grandeur many, the vast plains of intelligent patter

Compressed into one millionth's matter

Wisely, like a grey all knowing owl I am , before I retreat into my bed

I must conclude my words – I wish them to be read




  1. Yes! Good luck!


  2. Yeh Absolutely!!!

  3. Yes! I like it. Smart and witty. Well done.

  4. You have sprinkled some sarcasm here. From the bowels come great words and sounds!  As to being worthy to publish...sure.  That is why they have vanity presses.

  5. As I said before, I'd need to study it for a bit first but I know good work when I see it and this is mucho bien!!

  6. Yes absolutely!

    You should definately follow it up.

    is a great place to start.

    Its a website for showing new stories, poems ect. and people can leave comments and suggestions for you.

    Good Luck!

  7. Nice poem.  I like it.

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