I have a minature toy poodle. She is 7 years old, and in excellent condition.
We have always wanted to breed her, but never got around to it, and could never find a suitable male for her. But now i really want her to have a puppy. But my dad says she is to old. Is that true? She is updated on everything, healthy, well excersied, people think she is three years old. ha ha i told someone that she was 7 and they thought she was just a puppy. lol.
So do you think it would be safe to think about breeding her? We would be there when she delivers, get vets permission, and the whole shabang.
and i dont want to hear any answers that there are to many homeless dogs in the world already. And dont even start an answer with 'I know you dont want to hear this" because thats not answering my question. I just want to know if you think my dog would be able to have a puppy. PLease and thankyou.