
Is my post natal depression coming back?

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I went off medication almost a year ago and my daughter is now 2 and a half ( I didnt get it diagnosed til she was almost 1). Anyway lately I have noticed I am getting more short tempered with her and feeling stressed a lot, I am not sure if maybe the depression is coming back because I am pregnant again or if I am just stressed out from being pregnant, in a strange town (my fiance is currently in another state too) and having full time external uni to do and not being able to do it because im pregnant, tired and dont have help with the child. Should I go see the doctor? Is it likely to come back in my second pregnancy?




  1. IT could be ante natal depression,its like post natal depression but you get it before you have the baby.

    I'm not sure where you are but I'm in the uk and its a recognized illness with expectant mother's.

    Having post natal depression predisposes you to having ante natal depression in your next pregnancy.

    If it was me i would just get checked over by your doc and good luck hun

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